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Stella's Scoops

Stella’s Scoops Volume 51



Happy New Year from the News to you!

The new year is upon us and the team at Weazel News wishes all of you a safe and happy celebration with all the people you care about. We started 2023 with the 6th Congress and threats from the Whisperers that led to an injured Governor Starr. As far as I know, the raid on La Linterna and High Five Pawn Shop was the biggest raid of the year, unless the raid in Del Perro Heights was bigger. There were numerous statewide blackouts with no known cause. There was a series of articles published regarding The Gamemaster who seems to come and go. The San Andreas Parks Department started their Parks Division, so now there are rangers and parks employees within the Parks Department. I met a rat named Chris Price Resurrected (CPR) named after the real Undersheriff Chris Price, who died in the line of duty. The housing market finally opened after tons of anticipation. Julie Lee became Chief Lee, Twitter became Y, and old IDs became useless. I skipped over a ton of stuff, but that just means you should skim through all the 2023 articles at your own pace for your own “Year in Review: Life in San Andreas edition.”

Stella Day posing at Weazel News. (Photo Credit: Stella Day)

And just in case you like statistics, I would like you all to know how popular our home page is. At a staggering 54,771 views, the home page beats the obituaries right out of the grave with only 1,480 views. In terms of articles, Raid on La Linterna and High Five Pawn Shop Reveals “The Brotherhood,” SASP Finds 94 Suppressors And More In Del Perro Heights Raid, and S.W.A.T. Raid On Black Lotus Compound Results In Compound Court Docket sits at the top of the list, respectively. Y’all definitely don’t hide the fact that you’re into the juicy raid information. As for the Scoops specifically, volume 18 was the most read volume out of 50. I wonder if it was because I shared a photo of dogs or told you all to go touch grass.

Largest Political Survey in State…

To be clear, the PolitiPoll doesn’t affect the actual elections because you can vote however you want. It’s just a way for people to know what the results may be projected to look like, especially if you like looking at statistics and stuff. I think there was some confusion around the poll itself and whether or not it’s biased. It’s not. I filled out the survey, and there was nothing biased about it. I’m curious about what the results will look like and how they’ll compare to the actual election results in two week’s time.

Deck the Town Halls

The last Town Hall sessions of the 8th Congress and 2023 were held this week. Weazel News was there to record both sessions, so you don’t have to feel like you missed out. We’ve published the first one from December 28th, but will have the second one posted soon.

City Hall exterior on a winter’s night. (Photo Credit: Stella Day)

Upcoming Events:

  • Jan 3rd @ 9PM EST: Harm Reduction Kit Training and Certification Event
  • Jan 5th @ 7PM – 10PM EST: Lawson/Finch Campaign Event
  • Jan 5th @ 8PM EST: Damien Key and Gracie McCoy Party Bus Pop Up Campaign Event
  • Jan 6th @ 9PM – 10PM EST: A Night with Benji
  • Jan 7th @ 5PM EST: Gubernatorial Debates
  • Jan 7th @ 6PM EST: Southside Community Blood Drive
  • Jan 7th @ 7PM – 9PM EST: Sweet Sensations Grand Opening

Stella’s Recommendation of the Week…

Have you ever heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals? It’s okay if you haven’t; that doesn’t make you any less smart. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Specific means that your goal should be clear. Measurable means that you can track your progress like how much or how many. Achievable refers to whether or not your goal is realistic and attainable. Can you actually accomplish this goal, or are you reaching for the moon? Relevant means that the goal matters to you, such as it is worthwhile, with the right timing, and aligns with other goals. Time-bound refers to the target date of your goal, so a deadline of when you want to meet your goal. 

With the new year ahead and all the talk of New Year resolutions, keep S.M.A.R.T. goals in mind. Don’t make resolutions for yourself that just don’t make sense or motivate you in any way. And if you have no goals for the new year because you don’t want to disappoint yourself or for any other reasons, just remember to start writing 2024 instead of 2023. That’s the least we can all do to stay on track.

Stella Day posing in front of the New Year display and fireworks. (Photo Credit: Liz Barber)

Have a Stella Day and a hardcore night, San Andreas!

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  1. confused

    January 1, 2024 at 3:55 am

    The Politipolls aren’t posted anywhere? How did you fill it out?

    • Stella Day

      January 1, 2024 at 6:56 pm

      The Politi Polls were shared on Y for a few days this past week.

  2. Pingback: Stella’s Scoops Volume 52 – Weazel News – New Day RP

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