Policing the Police: The Gamemaster Looks Into LEO Accountability

2 years agoon
Annie Coady
This is the third installment of my pieces on The Gamemaster, a man known as Oslo. He is elusive, but we seem to have reached a comfortable point in our interviews at this point. Unfortunately, it has taken longer to get this article out for various reasons, so the story starts further back than the previous articles.
Disclaimer: Weazel News does not condone the messages contained within this article and is merely reporting on the facts of the situation, both given and gained during interviews.
On the 12th of February, numerous flyers were posted throughout the city. When I left my apartment, I found one posted on the pillar outside the main entrance.

When opening the QR code, you are taken to an anonymous form to submit complaints against members of the Police Department. It asks for their name, what they have done, and whether the submitter has any proof of ‘guilt.’
No word from Oslo for over a month, however. I’d just started to become concerned for my elusive friend when yesterday, at around 04:00 ET, my colleague and close friend Stella Day sent me another poster that TGM hung.

We had a quick chat about the posters and QR codes, and I decided it was time to try and reach him again. I filled out the Copwatch form from the previous month and waited to see what would happen. The next day, I left my partner Remy’s apartment to go and find Weazel-branded clothes so I would be taken seriously, and I found more posters. These were different from the ones Stella had sent me not even 24 hours prior.

At this point, I needed to know why the sudden change, as usually the same poster lies up for at least a few days. I turned to Twitter. Shooting out a last-ditch text, I went to the construction yard and waited, watching the police chases go by. Within the hour, I received that same anonymous phone call. As a rule, I don’t normally pick these up, but I simply read the word ‘anonymous’ as Oslo at this point. I was greeted by the words ‘Hello, Miss Coady’ as I had been on the previous phone calls. This time, however, was much less scary than the first time.
We exchanged a few pleasantries, and I explained what I had in mind. Oslo had asked me what I wanted to do this time, and I explained that I figured the best way to approach it was in the same vein I had been doing; asking him questions, noting down his answers verbatim, and publishing them.
Before we get into the meat of the story, it is worth noting that Oslo seemed happy to hear from me again and admitted he had read the previous articles I had done when I asked him if he was cool with me continuing them in the same format.
The Interview
Some of the words in this interview have been paraphrased for clarity, but wherever possible, it has been noted down verbatim.
What’s up with copwatch?
It seems people are not understanding what it’s about. It was supposed to be a way for people to raise awareness of cops, people who are supposed to protect people. Hold people up for standards while they go under the same standards, doing misdeeds and walking the thin line of breaking the law themselves. That is what it is about.
Have you had many people doing it?
A couple. Some people wish not to speak outright, but those I’ve met up with and talked to are very willing to talk about their adventures with the cops, which have been very unpleasant.
What do you plan on doing with it?
Well, I don’t like to put everything out there, but once we have what we need, we will take action that is appropriate.
Second quests?
The posters are for people to know that soon, another quest will be upon them.
Are posters how you normally communicate with the questers?
We tend to give people a heads up of when it is, and once the quest is ready for people to partake in, there will be detailed instructions on how to participate.
Who is the ‘Your time is up’ poster aimed at – the police or the general population?
Aimed at the police officers that know they have done misdeeds. Not aimed at police departments in general, as that is unfair. There are good police officers out there who do their jobs right and treat others like humans. Some think that one criminal is the same as another. They treat them the same, which should not be how it is. There may be reasons you are doing what you are doing. They just think there is another criminal scum, and they must do everything in their power to incarcerate them. So yes, we are outing the people that think criminals are less than human. We are telling them that if they don’t change, we will change it for them.
Do you have any links to the Red Rabbit?
Well, I have had some time trying to figure out who it is. They are a very interesting person; I’ll tell you that. They are very similar [to us] in some ways, but I can assure you that Red Rabbit and TGM have no ties. We would be under the same roof if we did. They are, I think, welcoming, the persona that is in the city does what they think is right; they give people opportunities like us. Who knows, maybe something good will come from it?
Anything you want to say?
[He let out a small sigh here, and I accidentally hung up the phone as I tried not to slip from the wall I was running along.* There was about a minute break before he phoned me back.]
What I would like to say is this; I am hoping that everyone in San Andreas is ready for another quest because this one is a little different.
*Stella found this funny.
Different how?
[He gave a short laugh here] There is only one way to find out, isn’t there?
The Conclusion
We spoke for a minute about how I should best contact him, and he gave me a few options. It’s strange to talk to someone without ever knowing their name or what they look like. It may also seem odd, but I see Oslo as a weird sort of friend; I may not know the man personally, but his trusting me in telling the story of his organization and their activities in San Andreas means more than I can put into words.
Whilst I cannot speak for the legality of TGM and their quests, I can understand why they are doing what they are doing. No government organization should be able to act with impunity, law enforcement perhaps most of all. We, the people, trust our officers with our lives, livelihoods, and property and should be the first to question any wrongdoing on their part. Write to or speak with your state representatives, the governor, and the lieutenant governor. Raise the issues with the people who can enact change from the very top before you resort to anything else. And remember, they work for you.

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