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Analysis: Richard Starr And Adrian Jax

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Richard Starr and Adrian Jax are two well-known names in the state. Richard Starr as the head of the San Andreas Security Service is well known in many communities across our state and Adrian Jax is a familiar face amongst government officials. Both have a positive reputation and based on reviews Weazel has received. Their campaigns focus is more on revitalization than state of politics in play.

The slogan ‘Revitalizing our State’ stemmed from our observance of the current situation of San Andreas. We see struggling businesses, people struggling with money trying to scrape up every penny to pay for a vehicle they financed, or finding a job. We’ve noticed lack of State ran Events, from our records we’ve only noted one State ran event since the recovery from the Mutiny attack, a lack of movement with certain Departments and we want to assist, whether it be Subsidies, Grants, hosting more Events, Job Fairs, and to talk with the Department heads to find out what they’re struggling with and how, if in any way, the Legislative or Executive can help assist them.

STARR Campaign Platform

The campaign has gotten off to a good start, however a lack of big public engagement could be the campaigns shortfall. The Stark and Kwon campaigns have both held big events which have attracted crowds and small followings. So far, the Starr campaign hasn’t done a big budget punching event to spread the word far and wide.

Richard and Adrian both performed well at the debates however managed to only touch on some of their campaign points. So, what are the campaign points?

The campaigns first action in office would be to work with the legislature to amend the Victims’ Rights Act to institute accountability for ‘keeping victims informed.’ The second would be modifications for Temporary Psychiatric Holds in solitary confinement. Both of these moves would prove to be popular and based on feedback Weazel has received they have been received positively.

Adrian is working very hard on to help bring in changes and improvements to help the victims in our State. As it is currently written, no one is actually being held accountable for keeping victims informed, and Adrian plans to work with our upcoming legislation to have the bill amended to correct that.

STARR Campaign Platform

They also want to take another look into the DoCL oversight Committees, however this could receive some pushback as the original bill was divisive with a slim majority of polling respondents supporting the bill back in early August.

So far, the Starr campaign has been the only campaign to produce a wide list of policies and promises covering more than a single issue.

Advertising is always a key aspect of a campaign, and like their competitors, it does fall short at explaining what they exactly stand for. We found in our political survey that a lot of respondents were confused on where the candidates stood and were unsure if they could be trusted. This is understandable after the last two months of corruption allegations and political dick swinging from a number of players on the chess board. In these final hours all the candidates should really emphasise their policies before campaigning cuts off at 8pm.

As for a running mate, Adrian Jax is a solid candidate for the Lieutenant Governor’s job. At the debates they were quick off the starting block and able to convey a message quite effectively.

Overall, the Starr camp is running a decent campaign based on already proven political themes, building upon ideas but making the policies their own.

Analysis of the other Governor Candidates

MinJun Kwon and the Kwon Campaign

Karly Stark and the Stark Campaign

Full Platform from Richard Starr

What is the biggest problem facing the state?
We think the answer varies widely depending on the person and their walks of life. What may be the biggest issue in the south side will vary greatly from the people that live up in the county in Paleto, Sandy, down to Mirror park, Vespucci, Rockford Hills, etc. What is important is open communication with these communities to establish what their issues are, and if something CAN be done about it, that it flows through the proper channels of our government to help the citizens, whether it be a bill amendment, a new bill, or by simply talking with a department if the citizens are having problems with a particular Governmental Department.
We believe there are a number of issues that are considered ‘Big’. The first is the Penal Code fines, and some of them don’t exactly line up with the particular type of crime. And before we provide an example, I would like to state that the people that helped with this, did a great job. We just need to refine some of it. For example, Running a Red Light is $600, but Theft of Services is only $500. Why would running a red light, which inherently has little monetary risk, be fined at a greater value than Theft of Services, which can have monetary implications of hundreds of thousands of dollars taken from the wonderful business owners of this State?
The second is the suspicion of Governmental Corruption. That is something that we take VERY seriously, and will be working on to make a simple system for everyone that suspects Government Corruption to file a report, or complaint that will be routed to the proper Department suited to handle those.

The third is Jobs, whether finding one, or establishing a Business to bring in those jobs people desperately need.

Our first action in Office:
There will be a few that are high up on our list and they would be amendments to two current bills. One is H.R. 118 The Victim’s Rights Act, which Adrian is working very hard on to help bring in changes and improvements to help the victims in our State. As it is currently written, no one is actually being held accountable for keeping victims informed, and Adrian plans to work with our upcoming legislation to have the bill amended to correct that.
The other is H.R 129, which modified H.R 018 for Temporary Psychiatric Holds. The amendment stated that for Dangerous Patients, they would be remanded to Solitary Confinement in Bolingbroke. As SASS Director, I’ve seen some very negative impacts from patients being placed in Solitary for an extreme amount of time. I think everyone would agree that being placed in Solitary for a long time will have a profound negative impact on anyone. As such, I want to work with the Psychologist Team, DHS and the Legislature to find alternatives for a patient considered dangerous being held on a 5150/5250/5350.

What does ‘Revitalizing our State’ mean?
The slogan ‘Revitalizing our State’ stemmed from our observance of the current situation of San Andreas. We see struggling businesses, people struggling with money trying to scrape up every penny to pay for a vehicle they financed, or finding a job. We’ve noticed lack of State ran Events, from our records we’ve only noted one State ran event since the recovery from the Mutiny attack, a lack of movement with certain Departments and we want to assist, whether it be Subsidies, Grants, hosting more Events, Job Fairs, and to talk with the Department heads to find out what they’re struggling with and how, if in any way, the Legislative or Executive can help assist them.

More Jobs/Economic Growth
We believe hosting more Job Fairs, potentially having them Bi-weekly in the short term could help with Economic Growth. As it stands, many businesses start up and close in our State, and we’d like to find out why. If it’s a lack of public interest, is that due to the businesses not having something that the public want, or is it because there is no way for the business to get their name out there and to have the public know what they are doing? We would like to work closely with business owners to ensure that businesses are being given the support they need to grow and expand.

Mutiny and how to prevent that from happening again:
Most power grids run on a SCADA system, and while those are supposed to be run on an internal network, it is also accompanied by lack of IT Security and not checked. This is where we believe they were able to first access, and branch from there once they established a foothold within the Governmental Network. A prevention project was already put into place by our current Government, and I plan to expand on that by performing weekly security scans on all Government Networks, and Government issued IT Equipment to prevent future threats along with Two-Factor authentication where needed. I also believe we should expand on our Private Security Contract, which would produce more jobs for our citizens.

Our stance on DOCL Oversight Committee
The oversight committee is certainly a “big” subject. It is our understanding that outgoing Governor Karmen McKenzie pushed for the veto of this bill based on a potential overreach. One main point mentioned by Governor McKenzie was that the bill granted the ability for this committee to find individuals in Contempt. Currently, there is a discussion in the Appellate Court regarding the definition and if the word “court” would apply to such a committee. Until such a time that the appellate court makes a decision on if the word “court” would apply to such a committee, it is my belief that only court officers such as Judges and Bailiffs are able to charge a Contempt charge. Of course, if the appellate courts were to make a decision that such a committee could charge Contempt in this matter, we could revisit the bill and work with the incoming legislation to address concerns over the bill.

Thoughts on Government getting pay boost and Civilians not?
This has been a hot topic of conversation, and while we are Government workers, we received benefits to H.R 137. With that said, we watched the rest of the Civilians suffer trying to recover. Business Subsidies, while a great idea, we noticed some hardships of businesses even after July 9th when the subsidies ended. What we would like to do is work with the Legislature to provide a second Relief program tailored for those that were not able to take advantage of the previous subsidies provided.

We plan to work with the Judiciary to create a Procedure for when Parole should be utilized, as well as provide current citizens operating in the Legal Field a clear and concise understanding of when Parole can be granted. The reason for this is that we feel Parole can be utilized in a much more efficient manner.

Serial Killers/Torturers Receiving Bail
It is our opinion that those who are accused of having caused great harm to the Citizens of this State, through repeat or serial actions, should have these allegations of present and charges of the past considered when Bail is being reviewed. It is our belief that serial, violent offenders are not of the same brush as first-time offenders or someone who might repeat the same crimes but have little impact on Society as a whole. We will absolutely be working with the Legislative branch to help review and suggest changes to how Bail is offered, and we will work closely with the Judiciary to help create a smooth transition for any changes made.

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