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Election 2022: Shockingly Close Voting Results In McKenzie Victory

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DEL PERRO (WZL) — In what was predicted to be a close race, the people have decided on a new Governor. Lieutenant Governor Karmen McKenzie (SALP) will become the 5th Governor of San Andreas by a razor-thin margin of only 0.26%, the closest race in San Andreas election history.

The polls predicted this would be a very close race, with the latest polling showing that Daniel White (Ind.) had closed the gap to be the favorite for governor after the McKenzie campaign had taken a lead in early polls. However, based on Weazel News analysis of the actual vote it looks like the second preferences shifted in Karmen McKenzie’s favor by upwards of 8%, securing the Liberty party’s victory in the Governor race. Joining Governor-Elect McKenzie in the governorship is Lieutenant Governor-Elect Jacob Wheeler (SALP).

In the legislature, incoming State Representatives-elect Ryyan Avery (SALP), James Paxton (NAPP), Jericho Delmonta (SALP) join the Progress Party’s Jordan Malone and Audrey Storm, who have been re-elected to their first full terms after achieving their seats midway through last term. The results left a shock to the political system with veteran Progress Party leader Becks Lawson falling short in re-election after two terms in office. Representative Lawson issued a statement regarding the election results:

I’m very proud of both Progress candidates. Jordan Malone and Audrey Storm both had fantastic platforms and did a great job on the campaign trail. I have no doubt they’ll do excellent work in Congress. I’m also glad that the candidates I endorsed, Jericho Delmonta and Karmen McKenzie, both achieved office as well. Sometimes the results of democracy can be disappointing; I’m certainly sad to be leaving my position as state representative. It was both an honor and a privilege to serve. I will continue to be active in the San Andreas community, and I look forward to seeing what the next congress achieves.

Representative Becks Lawson, Progress Party Leader

At the election results event organized by the government and the press Monday night, governor hopefuls Dan White (Ind.) and Meryl Ford (Ind.) protested the results, calling the election ‘stolen’ and ‘rigged’ before being forcefully escorted off by security. In the parking lot, they continued to claim that the election was ‘rigged’ and they needed to ‘stop the steal’. Under San Andrean law, there is no pretense or trigger for a recount of the election, unlike other states. At this time, no evidence has come forward in regards to any form of election fraud or fraudulent behavior from any party involved in the electoral process.

They took to twitter after leaving the event declaring that “this isn’t over, we’ve got lawyers” and “check her emails!! Make sure the people know the truth behind the subtle yet corrupt political establishment that is Karmen McKenzie!!!” No civil case has been filed in the state court system by either the campaign or the candidates at this time.

Questions were raised by some members of the public in regards to Merryweather security physically carrying political candidates off stage when they were allegedly attempting to ‘concede’. At this time, we haven’t been able to contact the company in regards to actions taken by members of their staff at the event. Weazel News has also reached out to both the Alice Medlin and Daniel White campaigns for comment on the election results. However, we have not received a response at the time of publication.

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