The Exchange
The Exchange – Episode 1: Becks Lawson And Maxine Finch

1 year agoon
Jack CallowAuthor Note: This interview was conducted on 12/23/23. As of that time only Damien Key was reached out for an interview as of December 19th. As of 1/1/24 Damien Key and Gracie McCoy have done an interview for The Exchange. There may be a few mistakes in the transcript due to audio quality, but it was done to the best of my ability. The audio is raw, unedited and in full length background and all. If there are any questions you would like asked in the future, just reach out or comment below. Thank you for reading.
Good evening ladies gentlemen. This is Jack Callow. Today on this lovely little episode of The Exchange we have Becks Lawson and Maxine Finch. The governor and lieutenant governor running in this state’s election, well, not current governor but to become governor. Maxine, Becks.
Becks: Hey, thanks for having us, Jack.
Maxine: Hi Jack.
Jack: So why do we start a little bit of an introduction, let people get to know you outside of these rumors and mudslinging.
Becks: Oh, absolutely. So, my name is Becks Lawson. I have been a part of San Andreas for, I want to say, almost 3 years now. I own Sapphire Falls Vineyard, I am the editor-in-chief of Clout Magazine, and the author of Conviction: My Life In Politics, as well as the owner of Hourglass Publishing. I’m a four-time state representative, and I’m running for governor of San Andreas.
Maxine: Hi, my name is Maxine Finch. I started in San Andreas as a reporter with Weazel News, and I worked my way up from being a normal correspondent intern to the director of correspondents. I dealt with a lot of being in politics, not as a politician, but as a political journalist. I used to follow everyone, including Becks, for quite some time and what they did, and I grew to like a lot of it, and so I decided to run last year. I am currently a state representative. It is my first term. I am the secretary of the legislative.
It is. It’s been fun, tough, but fun. And I also am currently the chairman of the Board of Education. I was good friends with Karmen, and she decided to reach out to me when she decided to step down. And I’ve been working there trying to revive it.
It’s a slow process, but we are making headway, and I’m excited to see it off the ground.
Other than that, I work at Stella Melon. That’s something I also do. Stella’s great friend. I met her at Weazel, but other than that, I just do my own thing.
Jack: That’s a wonderful introduction, honestly. I feel like people really neglect to get some politicians besides their policies now.
Becks: Oh, absolutely. Like, you know, I’ve been part of the government for the better part of a year now, just peer chronologically serving as a rep. And I think every politician, as much as we all like to say we’re here in front of the people, we all have our own pasts and perspectives. And, you know, we each bring something to the procession from that.
Jack: You know, just between us and the general audience listening, is there a department you found more enjoyable, like working with over time?
Becks: So, off the top of my head, the Rangers were fantastic to work with. We did an overhaul of their legislation because it was all over the place. You needed a treasure map and, you know, a Sherpa to get through everything the Rangers had on the books spread across like eight different documents. So working with Charlie Morgan, Lilith Tarts, and the other command at the Rangers was a lot of fun. We have a lot done, and SAFA, of course, is pretty busy with monitoring the skies and all. But I had a good time working with the chief pilot and second in command on coming up with their core legislation as well, which is in similarly dire straits. But I don’t think there’s any department. I had a negative experience with this term at all.
Jack: And you, Maxine?
Maxine: So I think, surprisingly, it was law enforcement, not Rangers. Rangers are always a delight. I’ve never had a problem with them before, but law enforcement across the board, I got to see more of them than ever before. As a reporter, they often ran from me. And I don’t blame them at all, actually. But I did get to see, face to face, meet with them face to face for the first time, and they weren’t running away. And they were very funny and they were very honest and forward and straight, straight about what they wanted. I wasn’t able to pass any of the bills they have because it kind of went against the Constitution in some ways. In some ways, it just wasn’t something we could pass. But I did, for a while there, have three drafts I was working with, and I still want to go for another ride along with Chris Stevens. He’s got to be one of my favorite cops. But yeah, they, I’m glad to see cops up front, not caricatures of who we assume they are. They have problems, but they’re individuals, and they’re quite kind and funny.
Jack: Now, probably the first bit of a hot take. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want it, but it’s just a question I’m throwing out there. If you were to rank the departments, who would you rank first And at the bottom?
Maxine: Oh, Oh no.
Becks: You know. I don’t actually think there’s a clear bottom pick. I think the most you can say is that certain departments are just super busy, like getting in touch with LEO can be difficult because you call, you know, a member of LEO. And half the time I call them, and they’re like, I’m being shot at, or I’m on the way to a robbery. Can I call you back? Which isn’t, you know, a problem, Right? I would, I would definitely prefer they deal with getting shot at over answering the phone. But like, that’s honestly the worst we have to deal with is just people being busy. And no wonder they’re busy. Like, you know, if you’re running the hospital or serving as law enforcement, your hands are going to be full, right? So that’s probably the most negative experience I’ve had. I have been really blessed. Otherwise, it’s been pretty positive across the board.
Maxine: Uh, ranking ranking. They, I have no troubles this time with any branch. But I’ll have to say, probably putting the legislative and the executive at the bottom, seeing them face to face up front. My new coworkers and the executives, It’s like, it’s like two siblings, battling it out all the time. We all want the same thing, but we can’t really talk about it properly. Other than that, all the other departments were very straightforward and kind and I really enjoyed, really enjoyed the Rangers as much as Becks did. But I’ve been meeting with Justin Cooke a lot more and seeing SAMS upfront as we try to finalize some pieces for the SAMS part of the legislative overhaul. It’s been nice, and they’re very polite.
Jack: I honestly expected nothing less of an answer from you two, especially when it came to trying to rank them. That being said, though, you know, you did mention that you’re helping SAMS and other departments like, work through their legislation.
What can we expect from you two that would be different from what we currently have or have had in the past as far as legislation and bills?
Maxine: Can I go first this time?
Becks: Absolutely.
Maxine: Okay. So I’m currently working on the SAMS part of the legislative overhaul. Becks has taken hands off as we get closer to the end, and she’s cleaning up the library and preparing for the holidays, of course. Because she deserves relaxation too. But I’m working with Justin Cooke and SAMS to write a core bill for their medical services. They technically don’t have one. They do have a restructure bill, which is H.R. 074, but they don’t actually have a true structure bill for any of the departments. So probably more board medicine other than that. So, I’m trying to define it further. They are in the Constitution; they still exist, but they aren’t defined. Other than that, we’re talking about trying because of the complete disappearance of SASS. We are trying to create protection bills for them so they can hire their own security, not private security, outside. But they’re going to make, they’re going to have in-house security that they want, as well as going over the Health Protection Act and trying to define that better HIPAA-wise. That is some stuff we are hoping to do and some stuff I’m trying to work on. I don’t think I’ll meet all of them before the term, but it’s my aim to get the core bill out so they have structure.
Jack: And you, Becks?
Becks: So when it comes to the next term, you know what I’m really looking at is I’m not a legislator. If I go for governor, right. I have actually ended all of the possible terms so they can serve as legislator. I’ve run out of term limits. But I think what we have really failed to see from previous executive branches is a body that governs all of the branches, Right? Like, when it comes to communication between the departments. When it comes to having the government move in one solid direction, working together and coordinating, I don’t think we’ve seen that. And part of that is that there are tools available to the executive branch that are just not being utilized. Part of it is, you know, the way specific executive branches have run cabinet meetings And gone about their daily operations. I think at this point, thanks to the wealth of experience I have, the projects I’ve completed, you know, my resume as it were, I’m able to not just recognize the tools the executive branch has but use them to get things done from start to finish. So here’s an example: We were discussing the Rangers bill, and something that came up was bag limits. You know, and it becomes, “Well, what are the conditions where someone might want a bigger bag of pelts?”. So, with my experience, I’m able to go “ok, What about a commercial fishing/hunting license?” I’m able to figure out who to talk to in the community about these things. I’m able to talk to the federal government and see what can be done on that end. I’m able to create a plan with each step clearly defined and laid out and execute it. I think that is something extremely valuable. Not just the ability to make promises but the ability to tell you how I will achieve each step. If you check our website, we talk about some of our plans. And over the campaign trail, I plan to talk about how I intend to fulfill those. These aren’t just empty promises I’m making; this is about a game plan I can spell out every step of the way.
Maxine: If we are talking about next term, if we get the executive branch, I really want to get rid of the LT. Governor’s mansion. It screams oligarchy, you know? Icky. Icky. Eat the rich. Eat the rich. I don’t; I want to see if we can start donating it to a government branch who can utilize it better for business, not for whatever is going on there. Alright, I don’t, Icky.
Jack: And would you be opposed to it going on the free market?
Maxine: I would love -intelligible-
Becks: I think that is something that would be blocked federally, unfortunately. Just because of the history of the property. You know I’ve talked about DHS because, for instance, like, it has a large kitchen and dining area that might be something that’s appropriate for soup diners. The ranch on the property, you know, I think there’s a very good argument to be made that the rangers could get a lot of use out of that. Um, just having-
Maxine: Hell, DHS can use their soup kitchen.
Becks: Absolutely, like for me, um, just having it as a home, you know, that’s great. Homes are great. People want roofs over their heads, and this is a very competitive housing market. So I get that. But at the same time, having a property of that size and sophistication simply being used as a home, um, even if it’s a home that is held by the LT governor, just kind of says, it’s like Maxine says, it’s a little bit indulgent.
Maxine: Yeah I just uh, i don’t, the biggest argument i’ve heard against it, and I’ll continue on because we’re getting off topic, we’re not getting off topic we’re just just talking a lot. The most argument I’ve gotten against that idea, Becks, are “Oh, but it’s for protection” Um, I would argue that it’s a terrible protection spot. There are no walls. There’s a ton of open windows, completely open windows, no curtains, tons of doors, and multiple ways you can break in. Um, and giant hills around you so people can sit there and hide in a bush on a mountain and watch you. I do think there is a governor’s mansion in the city. I think that one has high walls, a gate that can lock, and it’s a lot harder to get into, a lot safer, smaller windows. Curtains, of course. -audio issues- No, yeah well i was hoping to put it on the free market but we’ll see what we can do with it but i won’t be taking it if we win, neither will Becks.
Jack: Alright. Wonderful, that actually does answer that question. Now, onto a bit more unsavory topics for the both of you. Recently there has been a website, you know obviously, beckslawsonisafruad, so. Is there anything you’d like to nip in the bud now? Bad rumors or controversies that could possibly be looming over your campaign?
Becks: You know, I’m not too worried about that website because it is stuffed with half-truths, there’s a lot of jumping to conclusions, there’s a lot of stuff there that has already been addressed in my book, previously mentioned Conviction: My Life in Politics. But I think what that website really speaks to is people are concerned that there is some hidden conspiracy. I’m getting the seat so that I can wiggle my fingers and enact my devious little schemes. Well, I mean, if you’re worried about that, I would love to have you look at the work that I did at this congress. I’m not exactly writing the “Be Nice to Becks Lawson Act”. Instead, I’m writing acts to strengthen SAFA and the Rangers, to help enable the creative fields, to protect artists, to ensure their creative rights are safe from corporations. Um, you know, things to help organize the courts. Things that are, by and large, very benevolent. And I think that you can tell the individual acts that I’ve written are well-intentioned because even the website can’t go after the content of any of them. Certainly, whoever this author is, since they refuse to divulge their own identity for whatever reason, they go, “Oh, that’s just Becks taking credit for things.” It’s really not.
Maxine: They didn’t even read the whole news release for; they didn’t read the news release about what the legislative overall is. We never claimed that you (Becks) wrote these old bills. We merged them together; we repealed old, unnecessary bills. That was the point of a legislative overhaul, and if they read that press release, they would understand that. But, they say otherwise in a website that we’re taking the words of them. Ok. Ok
Becks: Yeah, if you would prefer to read through eight separate bills posted over the course of two years that contradict each other to understand a department, that’s certainly your choice. But, I think it’s pretty clear to look at the archive of two hundred fifty-plus bills, many of which have eight bills dedicated to one topic, some of which have bills that contradict each other, so you have to manually check each bill to understand what the actual law is. You know, that’s what we cleaned up, and I take a lot of pride in that. Um, you know, so that’s regarding the legislative stuff, I feel like we’ve done incredible work, and that work really speaks for itself. Everything else, you know, it’s just mudslinging.
Maxine: Nitpicking and unclear information
Becks: And in a way, it’s actually flattering to have people bring up stuff from two years ago. How many politicians, how many public figures, have reputations that reach back two years? I’m not asking everyone in the state to think that I’m their best friend, But I think just the merit of my work and dedication put into it speaks for itself. And this person, whoever it is, they’re certainly welcome to run such a website, but i think how stuffed full of half truths, straight up lies, stringing facts together to come to false conclusions and just real petty insults is ah, quite plain.
Maxine: I sense there is not a lot written about me; I can address the few that are. Uh, chief justice bills, those were handed to us by the US Congress. If the judiciary was working on it, they failed to explain it to us and failed to give them credit. Um, other than that, uh, the second bill -intelligible- I completely wrote on my own. Liam McGrath reviewed it but completely wrote it on my own, so that’s a false claim as well after saying I didn’t write that at all. There are components from the first one, of course, but I wrote the second one completely by myself, including the part where it says election fraud, because I care about consequences to actions. We can also talk about the Board of Education since that is a new thing they brought up today. Um, the board of education as dying, and I took the seat because it was dying, and then i made it very clear in my meeting notes, which by the way, were up to date at that point by the time he pushed out the board of education was voted on, and up to date because I missed November that was the one I was behind on. And I explained what we were doing. And in fact the board of education is more active than ever, it’s slow, yeah it’s slow, but it’s more active than ever. And I kept it from dying. I don’t see the problem with trying to keep up a department that makes no money at all, zero dollars from the government, and has no access to cabinet meetings (alive) is a bad thing, but people want to say that, then ok. My meeting notes, I was going through a mental breakdown, uh, if you want me to explain further we cant talk privately but i don’t think everyone wants to hear me trauma dump them at the moment. Ah, I was overwhelmed, overworked, and afraid. And I’m sorry that I’m human; I do realize, though that is a responsibility I was faulty on, and so I took responsibility, talked to Jacob Wheeler, and he added a section on the election transparency bill to prevent anyone from being late ever again. I took accountability and responsibility, so I can’t really give you much else for the meeting notes. That’s all there really was about me, I think, yeah. But, it’s all out there in the open, and some of the things you write on the website, white rabbit, is it white rabbit? Yeah, white rabbit, uh, you would actually find the answers if you read my meeting notes, so you complain about my meeting notes, but you don’t actually read them, so yeah. Fun example: the SAMS part Becks, they said we aren’t even trying for SAMS. My meeting notes for the last four weeks have been talking about SAMS. Since the beginning of the term, we’ve been talking about SAMS. Um, yeah, I don’t know what they want if they aren’t actually going to do proper research.
Jack: That being said, though, because of the allegations of corruption and everything else, Right? Do you feel that compared to back then, when the corruption trial happened, to now That there hasn’t been enough oversight over not just the legislative but the executive branch?
Becks: I would say it’s less of a matter of not enough oversight and more the oversight we have now isn’t well explained Or well utilized. You know, I’ve had people come to me, that’s Congress, and go, “I didn’t even realize that bills were being posted,” right? which is deeply unfortunate because people had feedback that they wanted to give and there wasn’t. They didn’t even realize it was up for debate, So ask the Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Something we would do is first of all You would do making things very clear we would have our own independent news source That says oh, HR 359 or whatever was put out today, 359 does x, y, and z And is open for feedback for X days. Go ahead and talk to this representative about it. I think as well There’s room for more than one public meeting Between the executive branch and the people, right? As the executive branch, I think you should be incredibly public. I think it should be incredibly easy to get in touch with you because, At the end of the day, you work for the people. So what the legislature we’ve been doing for the last Like the term is all of our meetings have Been open to the public. So you can see the bills as we are writing on them, As we are negotiating the terms, and as we’re voting on them, and I think that is something where that does a lot, right? Like we didn’t change the amount of time that feedback is open, But we made it so much easier to see what a legislature is up to. So, I’d love to see that sort of transparency come to the executive branch. For open meetings open doors for open lines of communication between the public. Things shouldn’t feel hidden away, even if that’s not the intent. I think for many people, it feels like things happen behind closed doors. Let’s go ahead, throw those doors open, and shine a light on things. Because I can tell you I have little shame about anything I submitted to this Congress or any other Congress. I’m happy to defend every decision I made. To talk through the reasons as to why I did what I did. There’s no light, no level of scrutiny that I’m afraid of. I welcome it all.
Maxine: I think they could definitely be more oversight for the government as a whole. There’s a lot of holes that need patching. I put out a constitutional amendment recently for the legislative branch because there was no oversight on modification and editing of the bills. Text came to me with the idea, and I expanded on it. There’s always room for improvement, even after three years after the establishment of the current consultation. I think the biggest problem, though, is the lack of participation And transparency from all departments describing what they’re doing. I think opening the meetings over the last few weeks has been really great on us but I think we can go further in the future, especially executive because, outside of press releases, and videos and now the upcoming cabinet meetings notes that were required to be done, we don’t really know what’s going on anywhere. Not even fellow government officials can tell which the other is doing without clear written, recorded evidence. But yeah, definitely needs expanded on. I’d argue that we should probably try expanding on FOIA requests for us. But that’s an empty thought at the moment.
Jack: So do you feel like the government itself like, down to each department, just isn’t communicating properly with the civilians? Do you think there is more they can do? Do you think they already do too much? Or is it just the nature of the job where they can’t afford to be too transparent?
Becks: I think what you’re seeing is there’s plenty of communication happening. It’s just not good or productive communication. And I’ll give you an example from this term. So, I’m working on the SAFA overhaul bills. The SAFA overhaul bills are just like I mentioned earlier, curating and collecting eight existing bills that simply, you know, had gathered up, they contradict each other, etc. So I submit those bills, there is a Cabinet meeting, cabinet meetings, only the heads of departments are allowed, and the legislature is not allowed. So, at that cabinet meeting, the governor tells the head of SAFA that the bill is going to get vetoed. I don’t hear this. I’m not in tune with this. So that the chief pilot has to communicate with me about that. So already you have one meeting, what could have been one meeting being turned into two lines of communication. Then, at the following rep meeting, two cops come, they go. Well, Chief Lee asked us to be present because Damien said we would be discussing the SAFA bill. So now, again, the Cabinet meeting, you could have just had me, Vlad, and Damien and that meeting where we could have discussed the veto. Now you have a second meeting being turned into a continuation of the conversation with two more party members who don’t actually know what the conversation is; they’ve just been sent as a proxy. So that’s plenty of effort. That’s plenty of communication. But like, none of it actually manages to solve the problem very effectively. Right. So I think a lot of it is just having the courage and logistical, organizational skills, to have things like the cabinet meetings, be as open as possible, to get as much done as possible so that there’s not, you know, seven different meetings between eight different parties when you can just have one conversation among peers.
Maxine: That can even tell you from an outside perspective for a year and a quarter, the government can always be a lot more transparent and be more strict about what they’re doing in every department, not just the legislative or the executive, but every department does not do a lot of PR. I think it’s because they’re busy. And sometimes it’s because they think you might not care. But there’s a lot more things that can be improved on more press releases, more meetings, more Q and A’s, maybe even classes or sit-downs privately with people outside of the state; the best communication is it’s gotten a lot improve on and if the last meeting was anything to show, I doubt it’s the only thing going on inside the entire government. People aren’t communicating properly. Not even not not with each other. And not with the public. So. Yeah.
Jack: So, would that be something you want to improve going forward as, if you get elected? How would you go about that?
Becks: So, cabinet meetings are one thing I mentioned earlier; we would bring the legislature back to those cabinet meetings because I think I think it’s really important to ensure that, you know, all the people who are going to be affected by the government’s decisions are able to be there to hear about those decisions being made. In addition, you’re gonna see a lot more executive appearances and just at the town halls. So like, at the vineyard, you know, there have been times I go, I’m clocked in, I’m here. Come talk to me; I’ll do it at the vineyard. I’ll do it at City Hall. You know, when I’m around, open for conversations. So just having regular access to the governor and then having the governor’s regular meetings that are used for communications, actually used to their full potential, will be a great start. I can’t make any promises after that because we’re going to have to see how the system comes together. But I think just following off the standard I’ve set up as a state representative so far, it’s clear that there’s a lot more room to communicate and discuss things.
Maxine: Lieutenant Governor, if we do and press releases, I started a very strong legislative branch, beginning the term, and in my brain was Oopsie doopsie. And I didn’t finish strong. So I think I would probably work on a lot more press releases and make sure they’re passed to you all respected media outlets, as well as put on social media. Other than that, maybe we could work on, as you know, you can make websites we could make easy-to-read graphics or websites. But politics is boring. They can be very dull and hard to follow. And so we can make it easy. Make it fun to engage with us with events where we have Q and A’s as well as laughing about what’s going on, events, press releases and everything. Becks just said there’s a lot we can do. Yeah.
Jack: Honestly, very good answer. So, as we wind down here, just two more questions for you. Now, you’ve spoken about improving transparency between the executive and the civilians, along with the legislative, executive, and a bunch of other departments. Now, if there’s one thing with no restriction, no matter what department it was, so you could change like, no one’s standing in your way. What would it be?
Becks: I would want a lot more civilian integration into certain programs. So, for instance, when it comes to LEO, I know they’ve put a lot of work into civilian outreach programs and in the media office. I’m not sure what the current state of those is. But I think that’s a great program. Like, I think, when it comes to DOCL, when it comes to SAMS when it comes to basically any department that works with the public, the public should have a way to express feedback and be able to see some sort of change, right? Because, at the end of the day, Public service is for the public. And I think making it so that there’s more room for people to speak, for people to follow relevant investigations, for people to give input that you can’t get behind a desk in City Hall. I believe that would be a massive step forward.
Maxine: For me, if there was no red tape and leaps, I had to cross to get something fixed in the government discipline for every department when incompetence gets in the way, my biggest problem and something that’s very complex, and it’s why it’s not on our platform because I’ll be working towards it. But there is no way to explain how that would happen. Because it’s a very complex issue. Discipline when people, the most proper crude way possible screw up. This is all departments, not just what I’m about to say, but I will use some examples. DOJ and the cops sometimes mess up high-profile cases, which makes people anywhere from killers to government officials walk away with no repercussions. And then it’s never investigated. Again. It upsets me, and I think it upsets a lot of people to see government officials, high-profile criminals, terrorists, and serial killers on the streets getting away with things because people in the government aren’t disciplined. They aren’t met with any repercussions when they flop repeatedly. If there’s a pattern of issues like police brutality is a pattern of issue with one cop or filing wrong paperwork is a foul issue with a prosecutor or a lawyer. There should be something done about it. But there’s not, and if it is, we’re not seeing how does anyone know things are improving? How these people are getting better, at doing their jobs? If we don’t see what’s going on? That is my biggest pet peeve. For the longest time, I just explained it to Damien Key; I explained it to multiple people. But it’s, I’m concerned that someone’s going to take advantage of that incompetence and get away with letting your friends get away with crimes. Because it’s very easy for anyone to screw up in the government currently, and nothing is ever dealt with it again. It’s upsetting because there seems to be no repercussions for those on top, and that’s scary.
Jack: Couldn’t be more right. That is a constant issue we do have in this city. But it’s an issue that we don’t really see, and results for a lot of those things are kept behind closed doors after all.
Maxine: I think that’s an issue with itself. But I’ve heard a lot of arguments against my own opinions.
Jack: No, of course. Everyone has an opinion; everyone is entitled to their opinion. That being said, before we get to the final question, are there any closing remarks you’d like to make?
Becks: Um, no, I just I’ve already received a lot of support, a lot of kind words, a lot of people say they’ll be voting for me and Maxine. And all I can say is, I am so grateful for every piece of advice, every piece of feedback, even the hostile stuff, even the irritated stuff, even the stuff that’s just, you know, negative because people have their own frustrations, they have their own points of view. I really respect that. Earlier today, the Collector with DHS called me out on Twitter, saying, “hey, you know, maybe DHS doesn’t have an interest in that ranch.” And it feels like we’re being a bit, you know, used as a prop, to which I said, you know, thank you for telling me that I’m not, you know, I’m not going to say, Oh, so you’re my enemy. You’re the bad guy. Now, I’m going to say you told me something that you didn’t have to tell me. It allows me to move better forward. I’m going to respond and tell you where I was coming from. But ultimately, I always appreciate the feedback. I always appreciate any kind of conversation. And I hope to be able to foster that more.
Maxine: Yeah, my last words, as much as we want to go harsh on the crime of the state. We also have to realize people can be rehabilitated. And that is something I said in my campaign trail. I am very aware of what I said about Becks and everything that’s ever been said about her. People change and do things for the better. I’ve worked with her this entire term, and she’s done her absolute best for the state, sleepless hours, constant harassment, and I don’t see the same person from the rumors that I see the person working with. I think she truly wants the best for the state. And I believe there’s plenty of people out there who want to change their lives, and discriminating against them purely because of their past means that you don’t want to better state you … You only see skin deep.
Jack: Well put. So now the final question is actually three parts. It’s probably one of my favorite questions to ask. First part, is there anyone you want to shout out before the end of this interview?
Becks: Ah, I would like to shout out every previous politician I’ve worked with before, you know, every politician who has served before me, I think, going through the legislative overhaul showed me just how many people have come together over the years to help build San Andreas, and so to every person who has been a part of that process, whether you’re still in the state, whether you’ve moved on, whether you’ve left government, thank you, because honestly, being a part of that chain of continuity, working together for the betterment of the people, it’s truly helpful.
Maxine: Uh, ah, a lot of people have helped me along the way; a lot of people have tripped me along the way. So, I don’t really, I don’t want to generalize it. Ah, Link Jordans, he calls me on my bullshit. He is honest and completely doesn’t play any games. He doesn’t try to be a politician, even though he is one, and tries to butter you up or make you feel better, doesn’t lie behind your back or talk shit. He is a great guy. And he’s helped me the entire way. Whether it’s advice, whether it’s just friendship, you, he’s been the person I’ve known the longest. Both Liberty City and here in San Andreas, he is a great friend. And I would like to know him personally, I wouldn’t. I don’t think I’d be here. If I hadn’t met him so long ago. So
Jack: Second part of the question, is there anyone you want to send a message to?
Becks: Yeah, I think there are people who think, you know, by spreading the rumors by talking about the corruption thing by talking about how bad Lawson is an evil nefarious schemer. I think those people are expecting me to be ashamed, to be afraid to be insulted, to be angry. And ultimately, all I can say is, thank you for helping to spread the message. Because even though you are doing it with malice, with irritation, with anger with whatever motive you have, I think genuinely, you are part of the campaign effort in your own way. And I think, you know, thank you for having my name and my career be so on the forefront of your mind. That is, in its own way, a form of support and fandom that I appreciate.
Maxine: My phone calls, my phone, sorry, don’t my phone call he calls people’s inaction. My phone is always open for questions. If you want more accurate information on any smear campaigns, if you want to actually catch me out of context and recording or lie, I’m always open to talking to you, though I’ve received five threats. One about cutting my head off, actually. So do what you must; just don’t get physical. I’m fragile, emotionally and physically. So Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Jack: Now, the final part of the question which actually, probably, the best part of the question. A bit confrontational as well. Is there anyone? Any department, any civilian that you want to call out?
Becks: You know who I would like to call out? I would like to call out the people who complain. But when the polls open, they don’t go and vote. So like you’ll see people go, Oh, the governor never listens to me, the executive, you know, the legislation never passes bills i like, I don’t like this HR. I don’t like that. But when it comes time to actually make some sort of difference when it comes to speak their mind. Suddenly, politics are useless and boring, and so on and so forth. And it’s like we have had the elections in the state determined by literally one voter; your vote is not useless. And if you want to, you know, just excuse yourself from the democratic process. You are more than welcome to, but at the same time, you don’t get to complain about the way things turned out because you didn’t vote. So I strongly encourage you if you have opinions if you want to call me out, and you want to call Maxine out if you have a bee in your bonnet, go to the polls, it is the most effective thing you can do.
Maxine: Oh, for me, I’ll have to generalize on this one because there’s just too many names to call out. Their hypocrisy within the government is laughable. I have seen plenty of you both either engage relationship-wise, friendship-wise, or even outright do it yourself and the government these crimes that you accused Becks of doing. The only reason I have not reported you to the marshals is because I don’t have enough evidence. Because I did. You’d be seeing some pretty names up there. Going. I am watching and just the hypocrisy is hilarious. To San Andreas, the people of San Andreas, your government, at times, does not really care about crimes because they engage on it as well. And the only reason and I’ve been told this multiple times the only reason Becks matters more than anyone else here is because they don’t get caught. That’s it, you get caught. You’re a clown. If you don’t get caught. You are the fucking King. So congratulations, hypocrites.
Jack: Fantastic, fantastic. And now, for a bit of a closing note on my end. A lot of people who are listening or reading this are probably wondering, Why my questions seemed so soft. Well, it’s simple. This is a very neutral interview. I’m not here to ambush anyone I have on my show. It’s not my business unless we’re doing it live, in which case the audience is free to call in at any time, that being said. One of these days, I hope I can do it live once again, like the exchange used to be in a live show. But I also want to end with a callout myself. I reached out to Damien Key a couple of days ago, asking both him and Gracie if they were interested in an interview. I have not heard back from them. So consider this a public call-out if you want to do an interview. With the same exact questions, just so it’s as softball as it was for these two. Reach out. If not, then don’t worry. But that’s been Jack Callow. My two lovely guests, Becks Lawson and Maxine Finch. This has been the exchange. Have a good night, everyone.

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