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Summer 2023 Elections

Summer 2023’s TLDR Of State Representative Candidates

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If you have not voted yet because you are confused, do not care, or (somehow) did not know it was happening, you should probably read this. Summer election season is here, and with it, a new batch of state representative candidates! To help you wade through the sponsored advertisements, campaign posters, and general propaganda, here is a brief overview of each of the candidates, their positions, experience, and one sentence each of them would like you to know. 

State representatives are also known as congressmen/women. It is their job to represent the people of the state they work into the upper echelons of government. Your state representatives should be your first point of contact for any legislative issues you wish to raise, as these are the people who write the bills. 

As defined by the state,

STATE REPRESENTATIVES are responsible for drafting and passing State Laws, Acts, Edicts, Procedures, Resolutions, Criminal Punishment, Endorsing Civil Appointments, and other tasks.

Representatives will be expected to attend a mandatory monthly ‘Legislative Meeting’, and bring forth proposals for discussion on behalf of the good people of San Andreas.

Disclaimer: Candidates are sorted alphabetically by surname to avoid any implication of bias. 

Jimmie Dimmick

Political Party: Independent

Jimmie Dimmick


  • Fight corruption within the government. 
  • Condense bills that have multiple amendments into one page 
  • Transparency within government 
  • Establish an easier liaison between the government entities, the population at large, and the legislators

Experience: 2 full terms as an elected legislator of the 6th (Secretary of State) and 7th (Speaker of the House)

For the Voters: Exercise your right to vote. Be wary of people seeking to get elected for personal gain or to push their personal agendas.

Maxine Finch

Political Party: Independent

Maxine Finch


  • Lethal Injection
  • Legislation Addressing Public Safety
  • Legislation to hold Government Officials Accountable
  • Reviewing Current Legislation
  • Addressing Crime Rates

Experience: I’ve been an advocate for politics within San Andreas for the last year as a journalist for Weazel News.

For the Voters: Whether you hate or adore politics, they define every aspect of our lives. Be sure to pay attention and hold us accountable. Tear us apart.

Tavlar Frostfell

Tavlar Frostfell did not respond to Weazel News’ request for comment.

Becks Lawson

Political Party: Independent

Becks Lawson


  • I bring a certain base level competency to the legislature that the people collecting paycheques do nothing do not really like.

Experience: Three-term state representative, business owner, editor-in-chief of CLOUT, and host of the Sapphire Soiree, general ingénue.

For the Voters: Better corrupt than incompetent.

Jason Wayne

Political Party: Independent

Jason Wayne


  • My main policy is creating an inclusive justice system that would allow the everyday people a say in what justice looks like within the state of San Andreas

Experience: I have no experience in politics, but I have been an attorney within the state of San Andreas for the last seven months as both a prosecutor and a defense attorney and I have plenty with the legal system in general.

For the Voters: N/A

Daniel McColm

Daniel McColm did not respond to Weazel News’ request for comment.

Justin Lee

Justin Lee did not respond to Weazel News’ request for comment.

Jacob Wheeler

Political Party: Independent

Jason Wheeler


  • Work to pass legislation making open carry of shotguns legal. Everyone does it anyway. 
  • Cannabis law reform – increasing the number of joints someone can legally carry – 5? We are joking, right?
  • Pluto is a planet. Will put forth legislation that officially recognizes Pluto as being a planet in San Andreas.
  • I intend to hold my colleagues in Government truly accountable. This is not just a hobby – these are elected positions responsible for representing you – the people – and we should earn these positions and the salaries that come with them. If you do not do the job – get out of the way of those that will.

Experience: Served a term as Lt. Governor

For the Voters: If I am elected State Representative, I will pay the good people at Euphoric Cannabis to come down to the City Hall lawn and roll free joints for everyone for an hour so we can burn it down and share ideas, and I can hear directly from the people what they want from their Government.

Still have questions? Check out our Summer 2023 Election – Meet the Candidates for more information on each candidate. Voting ends September 5th at 8 pm (ET). GO VOTE! Vote In The Summer 2023 Election

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  1. Not a Fan

    September 5, 2023 at 3:34 am

    “Cannabis law reform – increasing the number of joints someone can legally carry – 5? We are joking, right?”

    It’s 25, Jacob Wheeler. Learn how math works my dude.

  2. Pingback: The Results Are Almost In: Polls Closing Soon For Summer 2023 Election – Weazel News – New Day RP

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