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Spring 2023 Elections

Democracy In Action: RyRy Secures Governorship and 7th Congress Prepares For Inauguration



The Spring 2023 elections concluded Monday, May 8 with a decisive victory by Ryyan Avery and his running mate, Damien Key, in the gubernatorial election. For the state representatives election, the 7th Congress will consist of Norman Wren and Jimmie Dimmick, who were both re-elected, as well as newcomers Morrigan Ford, Tavlar Frostfell, and Jon M. Chambers.

As the results were announced, the Avery campaign remained in the lead throughout the evening. When he took the stage for his victory speech, he spoke from the heart, forgoing his usual humorist approach:

“I know I’m usually “ha-ha funny” with a lot of these, but I do want to speak from the heart real quick and be a little weird like that. Even before I got into politics, my first ever week of being in San Andreas, my best friend and now currently terrorist of the San Andreas Republic, [Juan Pablo DeLaRosa], he told me: RyRy, I want you to go into politics. You have a good heart for the people. And ever since then, it’s been my dream to stand in this position I am in now. I’m very grateful that the citizens of this great state trust me.”

Governor-elect Ryyan Avery
Ryyan Avery declared winner of the Spring 2023 Gubernatorial Election during the live broadcast of the election results party on Weazel News.

RyRy, as he’s commonly known, thanked both the people who voted for him and against him. He repeated his campaign slogan, “Be epic or else,” before passing the floor to his running mate, Damien Key.

Lt Governor-elect Key also spoke emotionally, thanking his supporters as well as Mr. Avery. He spoke of his time as a state representative and the learning curve involved, promising to surround himself with competent individuals and seek experts’ help while performing his duties as Lieutenant Governor.

Lt Governor Adrian Jax, in her concession speech, congratulated Governor-elect Avery on his victory. She highlighted her strong working relationship with Damien Key, whom she hopes to keep working closely with. She also encouraged the citizens of San Andreas to read the state Constitution and uphold the governor accountable for his actions.

Micheal Andino thanked his supporters, team, and running mate, Eddie Euckland, admitting that he felt good about the result, even though he lost. He voiced his desire to return to movie-making.

Norman Wren was the first State Rep candidate announced to have secured a seat in the 7th Congress. State Representative-elect Wren kept his victory speech short. He thanked his supporters and congratulated the new governor and lieutenant governor. He ended his speech with a simple line: “Let’s get shit done.”

Jimmie Dimmick, the next candidate to secure a seat, echoed Mr. Wren’s comments, thanking the voters for their confidence and wishing luck to the newly elected candidates.

Morrigan Ford had the following to say about their victory:

“Honestly I’m just as shocked as everyone else. I did not think I was gonna get this far. I honestly don’t know what to say. I might make a press release or something I don’t know. That’s all I have to say right now. I’m, yeah, I’m probably gonna do a press release I guess. I need some time to think about all this, but, uh, thank you for all your confidence in me. I hope I don’t let you down.”

State Representative-Elect Morrigan Ford

Likewise, Jon Chambers told the public that he wasn’t certain he was going to win. It’s understandable considering he was the final State Rep-elect to be announced over Yuri Devlin. Nevertheless, he thanked those who voted for him and congratulated the other winners.

Tavlar Frostfell was unavailable to give a speech.

Governor Richard Starr took the time to thank everyone who participated in the election and congratulated the winners. He assured both Mr. Avery and the population that he would be available to brief the new governor on current issues and ensure a smooth transition of power.

He also spoke of the importance of democracy, thanking everyone who took the time to vote. Mr. Starr had the following to say to the people who didn’t:

“If you didn’t vote and aren’t happy with the results, then please vote for the 8th Congress in September, and follow what the 7th Congress does, so you will know who to vote for based on what they have done while in office.”

Governor Richard Starr

Now that the election is over and the newly elected officials prepare to be sworn into office, it’s important to remember that the true work now begins. The duty of the population isn’t only to vote but also to remain informed on what their elected representatives are doing while in office. Similarly, everyone should keep in mind what the people who weren’t elected do for the community. The next four months will be the true campaign for the 8th Congress.

The Inauguration of the 7th Congress will take place on Saturday, May 13th at 930PM ET, at the Vinewood Bowl. Stay tuned to Weazel News for the live broadcast and updates.

It was initially reported State Rep-elect Morrigan Ford promised to issue a follow up press release in their acceptance speech regarding their winning a seat in the state representative election. This was inaccurate and that part of the article has been updated with a transcription of the State Rep-elect’s speech from the Spring 2023 election results party.

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