Brought to you by Rhylee Finke of Weazel News and the people of San Andreas, June’s San Andreas Snaps is available for your eyes now! From Pride to cars to a couple of dogs, I think we need to step it up with the entries for July. I’m not saying that the photos aren’t great; I’m just saying that I know you all take photos regularly and post them on Y, so why aren’t you sharing them in San Andreas Snaps as well? We already had the 4th of July/American-themed events. I know some of you are learning about the art and patience of beekeeping. There are a couple of music events and fun hangout events coming soon. Every day is an opportunity to capture memories, so start today. For example, I’m sharing one of the memories that was shared in the Smaps right here in the Scoops! You can join in too! The submission form is at the bottom of the Snaps article.
If Austin fits, Austin sits. (Photo Credit: Jonathan Swizz of The Red Fox)
Who am I voting for? I have no idea because what even happened at the debates? You and I have until tomorrow evening at 8pm ET to vote in the special election. The goal is to fill the three vacant State Representative positions that have opened up since the resignations of Cassie Kendrick, Astra Lillegård-Marino, and Emilie Lillegård-Marino. Inauguration will likely follow this week after the election results party tomorrow, depending on the State Representative Elects’ availabilities.
Polling assistants at City Hall. (Photo Credit: Stella Day)
Dead By Fe- Firing Squad…
State Attorney Jessica Ashbrook shared a press release earlier this week regarding death penalties that were recently sentenced. Sherif Kareem, guilty of bad bad things, died last Friday, nearly a month after his sentencing. On the same day, the Supreme Court accepted the death penalty for Katerina Graves, who pled guilty to similar bad bad things. Katerina took her last breath earlier today at Bolingbroke State Penitentiary. The main message of the press release is that the death penalty is a super serious bad thing and should not be sentenced willy-nilly. The death penalty is something that the Department of Justice believes should and will continue to be reserved for the people who really deserve it. Do you agree or disagree? Let me know down in the comments below!
Observers wait for the execution of Katerina Graves to be carried out at Bolingbroke State Penitentiary. (Photo Credit: Erin Murphy)
July 15th @ 9PM ET: Special Election Results Party
July 17th @ 8PM ET: San Andreas Fire & Rescue First Aid Class
July 19th @ 9:30PM ET: Dance Class with Raju
July 20th @ 3:00PM ET: Nick Hulkensteinfest 2.0
July 20th @ 5PM – 8PM ET: San Andreas Job Fair
July 20th @ 8PM ET: Alibi Pool Tournament
July 21st @ 12PM ET: Addiction Support Group
July 21st @ 7PM ET: [2024-CM-222] – State of San Andreas v. Ella Bright-Starr
Stella’s Recommendation of the Week…
Do I really need to say it again? Go vote. I don’t care who you vote for. That’s your personal choice. We just need three people to fill the empty State Representative seats ASAP so the legislature can pass more than one bill this term and the polls close at 8pm ET on Monday, the 15th of July.
Erin Murphy, Stella Day, Rhylee Finke, and Maxine Finch voting at City Hall. (Photo Credit: Liz Barber-Day)
Have a Stella Day and a hardcore night, San Andreas!
sheldon clarke
July 15, 2024 at 1:50 am
i think that it is bad to kill people unless it’s not