Heya friends! It seems the beginning of the month flies up on me faster each month. Perhaps that’s because June and the beginning of July have been so busy. June is Pride month, and among Pride, there were many other kick-offs to summer events, pop-ups, and more. Let’s take a look through June and comment below what your favorite part of June was.
Pride in the Parks kicked off June and Pride Month.
Photo Credit: Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
Photo Credit: Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
Photo Credit: Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
Photo Credit: Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
Photo Credit: Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
and some Medieval Pride from the RenFaire!
“Medieval pride” by Parker Caligo-Kovalenko
June is the official kick-off to summer month, so let’s see how you all brought in summer!
“60s in the sand” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Summer Days” by Jade Storm
“If Austin fits, Austin sits.” by Jonathan Swizz (The Red Fox)
“Blue Tube Dam” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Campfire Stories” by Jade Storm
“D.J Slaying” by Jade Storm
“Alibi Ally” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Pixie in the night” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Inhaling the good vibes” by @ManLikeFred
“Mono Beauty” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Reflecting on life” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
Let’s break it up and take a look at the landscapes captured this month.
“Dawn breaks over the LS hills” by Albus McDougal
“Peaceful Giant” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Paleto Peace” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Southside Sunshine” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
Land & Air!
“Good Reliable” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Vinewood sign from the sky” by Parker Caligo-Kovalenko
“JDM in Morningwood” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“USA in the USA” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Eye in the Sky” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Truckor owned the Collector” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Dumb & Dumber” by @ManLikeFred
“JDM in USA” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
And to the end the month off, those enjoying the company of others.
“Squad got the boogie on” by @ManLikeFred
“Unlikely Allies” by Roman Rossi @Momenti D’amore Photography
“Rootin Tootin Rangers” by Jade Storm
“Ride or Die” by @ManLikeFred
Thank you for your continuous support of San Andreas Snaps! It’s always so much fun seeing what everyone gets up to throughout the month and the amazing photography skills of everyone! Keep them coming! July has begun, so let’s get the photos rolling!
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