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Stella's Scoops

Stella’s Scoops Volume 23



Sunwave Recap

If you missed it on Twitter, the video from BIG CAMERA CONTENT for Sunwave is out! You can watch it on YouTube and catch the behind-the-scenes with KOKORO. A blooper reel was also shared on Twitter, but I’m not able to link it here for you to watch. Hairline, I mean Link Jordins, did such a great job with the video. It’s really cool to see a different perspective of the event. 

Pride Fans

I’m a big fan of the new pride fans. You can find them at a little hut in Legion Square near the parking lot. Fans come in all sorts of flags. Make sure you get a flag designated for your left hand and one for your right so they’re comfortable in your hands when you hold them. It’s really fun to dance with the fans. I even saw a tweet from a business encouraging people to show off their fans to get a special discount. Go get yourself one, two, or more if you haven’t already!

People dancing with their pride fans at the hut. (Photo Credit: Serena Steward)

Are You A Victim?

If you were a victim of injustice, whether it’s cops or the government, please fill out this form. Weazel News is collecting statements to gain additional information and insight. Your input will help us a lot. 

Official Soccer Hockey League Incoming…

The sport with many names, including “soccer hockey,” “sockey,” “floatie soccer,” and more. Full contact, no weapons, Mirror Park field. I played soccer hockey for the first time on Tuesday night. It all started because I was visiting a friend’s house in the neighborhood. Before I knew it, I was picked by a team captain to play on their team. It was my first time playing, and honestly, I feel like I learned a lot about strategy. We were supposed to set a timer for each round, but since we all forgot, we played till the first team scored five goals. Using a floatie, a Black Lotus member, Butch, was the “ball” and the referee. There was a ton of tackling and kicking while the crowd watched from the bleachers. My team felt a sense of defeat but ended up pulling through with a 5-2 win.

The players, “ball,” and crowd posing for a group selfie. (Photo Credit: Link Jordins)

After the game, there were talks about potentially creating an official league with multiple teams. I had such a fun time, and I hope the idea of a league becomes a reality so more people can experience the fun on and off the field. (Later in the night, I heard someone talking about how another group had done the sport first and whatnot. I don’t think it matters who “started” it because the most important thing is that people are having fun playing the sport and that the fun can be shared across the community.) Thank you to Black Lotus and Jason Tanners/Dante Gravina for the game. Shout out to Frank Gavin, the EMS, for coming to the field and being our medic. We couldn’t have done it without you. 

In and Out…

On Wednesday night, the power couldn’t decide what to do. One moment, we had electricity, and the next, we were using our flashlights, and then we were fine for a very short moment before we went back to flashlights. I’m not sure what’s going on with the random power outages because while they aren’t constant, they also aren’t not happening. I hope it gets sorted out soon. I know some people are worried about Mutiny happening again, which would suck a lot. I just hope there are many infrastructures and systems in place now that we should have learned our lesson so we can be better prepared the second time around. In case you didn’t know, the anniversary of Mutiny is next Sunday, the 25th.

View of the city skyline from the Southside during a power outage. (Photo Credit: California Hargrove)

Bando Returns…

For one night only, Bando showed up at the Wild West Rave in Sandy Shores, hosted by Hub Events, late Friday. He performed a new song with Lucas White as well as his older stuff. There was even a mosh pit. His new song will be released soon on Lucas’ Soundcloud.

Bando performing at the Wild West Rave. (Photo Credit: Konrad Knives)

Spicy Town Hall…

Attendance at this Town Hall was not bad. Multiple departments were present and gave their updates. It looks like there is movement with H.R. 246, H.R. 247, H.R. 248, H.R. 249, and H.R. 250, so be on the lookout for how they progress. It seems like there are lots of opinions surrounding H.R. 246 about copyright protection. More than one person in attendance verified that if an author were to get their books printed through McKenzie Enterprises, they would ask that you limit your book publishing to Brown Back Books, owned by Karmen Brown, former Governor and current Chairman of the Board of Education, the department in charge of the copyright matters. It sure is interesting that one person could be involved with every step of the process, from printing to ensuring your copyright protection, say if you were to go through this one specific well-known company that happens to offer printing services. State Representative Yuri Devlin admitted to not having the chance to “dig in to really understand the full details of the bill” before signing it. Governor Ryyan Avery also regrets “putting the bill forward.” These are just food for thought, you know. How spicy.

Government departments, state representatives, and civilians discussing at Town Hall. (Photo Credit: Stella Day)

The heads of the Los Santos Police Department’s Internal Affairs (IA) want people to go to Rockford Police Station (RPD) to file IA complaints. Other people in the room mentioned how hard it is to even get a gun license at RPD, so I’m not sure how they expect to hear about IA complaints if they aren’t even there to receive them. I’m sure they’re trying their best, but perhaps there could be another avenue for this kind of thing to alleviate the stress while allowing everyone to be heard. The idea of having a form was planted, and after a talk following Town Hall, it sounds like they will be considering it. I will now leave you with a quote from Deputy Chief Julie Lee for you to ponder over: “Internal Affairs is not about transparency.”

If you want to relive the Town Hall I witnessed, we have a recording of the entire Town Hall in this article with some words typed up to accompany the video.

Upcoming Events:

  • June 22nd @ 9:30PM ET: Born This Way Bash
  • June 23rd @ 3PM ET: Charity Pride Ride
  • June 23rd @ 6PM – 9PM ET: WTF! Party
  • June 23rd @ 7PM ET: Men’s Mental Health Event
  • June 23rd @ 9PM ET: Blood Night Bouts: Championship Finals
  • June 24th: Executive Order 005 – Designation of a State Holiday: Pride Day
  • June 24th @ 11AM ET: Pride BINGO
  • June 24th @ 4PM ET: San Andreas Pride Parade and Festival 
  • June 24th @ 10PM ET: SAMS, OC & Cockatoos Drag Show!
  • June 24th @ 9PM ET: Retro Drive-In Night
  • June 24th @ 10PM – 12AM ET: Hawkins Hideout Presents: Pride Night!
  • June 25th @ 5PM ET: Corner Pocket Single Elimination Tournament
  • June 25th @ 9PM ET: Pride Catwalk

Stella’s Recommendation of the Week…

Be nice to people. It’s a simple recommendation. I feel like I’ve witnessed a lot of cruel and harsh interactions this week. Please be more aware of your emotions. Even if you’re feeling angry or frustrated about something, take a moment to yourself before communicating with someone else. Sometimes you may not realize it, but it’s possible that you might be unintentionally taking your anger out on the wrong person. This can hurt their feelings whether or not that was the intention. We all have emotions, but how we all deal with them makes things different. So please, choose the best way to process your emotions and be kind to others.

A cat rests in the alley behind Legion Square bank. (Photo Credit: Stella Day)

Have a Stella Day and a hardcore night, San Andreas!

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