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The Scarlett Letter

The Scarlett Letter – 5 Questions To Ask Before Getting Serious



By Scarlett Kensington

Hello and welcome to The Scarlett Letter! If you are looking for dating and relationship advice, you’ve come to the right place. This column will cover lots of topics having to do with successfully dating and being in relationships, from how to communicate effectively to identifying red flags, and everything in between. I am always looking for ideas, so feel free to reach out if you have something you’d like to see covered!

5 Questions to Ask Before Getting Serious

Deciding to get more serious in a relationship is a big step that should be carefully considered. While it might be easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new romance, it is still important to determine whether you and your partner are truly compatible. Here are five questions to consider before getting serious:

  1. Do we share common values, goals, and interests?

While opposites can attract, you also need to have a certain level of compatibility when it comes to your core values, life goals, and interests. For example, do you and your partner share similar beliefs about what’s important in life, such as family, career, and spirituality? Do you have goals for the future, such as career aspirations, travel plans, or financial objectives that can complement each other? Also, do you enjoy spending time together, partaking in interests you both share? If you and your partner are on the same page in these areas, you’ll be more likely to build a strong foundation for your relationship.

  1. Can we communicate effectively and handle conflict in a healthy way?

Communicating effectively is a big key to any successful relationship. Can you and your partner communicate openly and honestly with each other? Can you listen to each other’s perspectives without getting defensive or shutting down? When disagreements or conflicts arise, are you able to work through them in a healthy way, without resorting to insults, yelling, or passive-aggressive behavior? Being able to communicate effectively and resolving conflict in a mature and respectful way is crucial for building a stable, lasting relationship.

  1. Are we both ready for a serious commitment, such as marriage or a long-term partnership?

Before you get serious with someone, it’s important to make sure you’re both on the same page when it comes to commitment. Are you looking for a long-term, monogamous relationship? Are you open to the possibility of marriage, or do you prefer to keep things more casual? You need to have an open and honest conversation about both of your expectations for the future of the relationship, so you can make sure you’re both on the same page.

  1. Do we have similar expectations for the future we envision?

While it’s important to enjoy being in the present moment, you also need to consider the future before getting more serious with someone. Do you and your partner have similar expectations when it comes to major life decisions, such as what kind of lifestyle you envision, how you make big financial decisions, and so on? Make sure you’re both on the same page when it comes to these important decisions, so you can avoid conflicts down the road.

  1. Are we willing to make compromises and work together to build a supportive relationship?

Finally, building a healthy relationship requires a willingness to compromise and work together to overcome challenges. Are you and your partner willing to put in the effort to build and maintain a supportive relationship? Are you both committed to making the relationship a priority and putting in the time and energy necessary to make it work? If you’re both willing to do this, you’ll be more likely to build a healthy relationship that can withstand the ups and downs of life.

Getting serious with someone is a big step that requires careful consideration. By asking yourself these five questions, you can make sure you and your partner are truly compatible, and build a healthy, supportive relationship that makes you both happy.

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