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San Andreas Spooks: State-Sponsored Event This Saturday



Los Santos, San Andreas – The Halloween Spirit has taken over San Andreas, and it shows no signs of stopping any time soon. Several spooky-themed events have taken place throughout the city this week, and some of the biggest events are still to come. For those of you who haven’t made any plans for your weekend yet, we’re calling all trick-or-treaters to the Kortz Center this Saturday for the State Halloween Event of the season.

The Governor’s Office is hosting an array of festivities at the Kortz Center this weekend starting with a spooktacular Halloween car show. Everyone’s invited to enter to show off who has the most spirited Halloween styles for their rides. If you’ve got a hauntingly magnificent vehicle to show off fill out the following form to enter the competition.

The State anticipates the car show to start around 8 pm EST and end at 9 pm EST. During the first hour of the event, a state employee will direct vehicles to line up for judging. Cars will be evaluated on their overall appearance, originality, and theme. First, second, and third-place winners will receive cash prizes. Winners must be present to receive their awards.

Until the show starts, participants are asked to park their vehicles until asked to bring them out for judging. Valet parking service is located with the parking spaces in the Kortz Center’s circle drive entrance. If you’re not entering your ride into the car show, please park your car with the valet and keep it parked up while attending the event.

Kortz Center circle drive entrance

If automobiles aren’t your thing, there’s still plenty going on! A Halloween Ball will be held from 9 to 10 pm EST, following the car show on the rooftop gathering area of the Kortz Center’s Bell Building. The ball features a costume contest, along with entertainment provided by Kokoro’s DJ Grimm, and food prepared by local caterers. 

Those considering participating in the costume contest are encouraged to think outside the box to design a costumes that embody the Halloween spirit. Competitors will be judged based on the “best” costume and additional categories will be considered if the turnout is large enough. First place will receive ten Monster Menagerie Volume 1 from the Hardcore Comics Store. Second place will receive ten of Volume 2 and third place will receive ten of Volume 3.

Rooftop of the Bell Building where the Halloween Ball will be held

The last event of the night will be an all-out fighting match from 10 pm EST and goes until the last contestant is left standing. This event will take place in the open area near the base of the stairs leading up to the roof of the Bell Building where the Halloween Ball is being held. Public Works’ Dan White will be the sports commentator for the event, explaining rules and providing engaging narration during every match.

The matches will follow basic fight match rules:

  • NO weapons of any kind
  • NO biting
  • NO hair pulling
  • NO aiming for the groin
  • NO grabbing of the throat
  • NO fingers in an opponent’s orifices (that’s just gross)

Those refusing to respect the rules may be disqualified and, depending on the severity of the offense, may be escorted out of the event by security. Only the last one standing will receive the cash prize. 

If you’re up for the challenge please fill out the form below. Make sure you provide your full name as well as what your fierce and creative “ring” name is.

Location of the Halloween Fight Night ring

With all this fun going on Eclipse Medical is also running a blood drive throughout the entire night and is seeking blood donors. For those interested in donating blood we ask that you remain sober prior to the process for your own safety. Trained medical professionals will be present to assess your conditions up to fifteen minutes following the donation and will have food and drink available. 

San Andreas is always in need of life-saving blood donations, so it’s encouraged that those who are able to make a donation should do so.

Please note that vampires are not welcomed at the blood drive and are urged to speak to their doctors to receive a checkup regarding their condition. Due to such, no biting will be allowed on the premises at any time. The same goes for werewolves, ghouls, spooks, and the general public.

Your State Government looks forward to greeting you at this ghoulish event! Beware, be scared, and… Happy Halloween!

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