LOS SANTOS (WZ) — On Wednesday, Josh Zimmerman of the Chamber of Commerce announced a department name switch up to avoid confusion.
The Chamber of Commerce has been rebranded to the Department of Commerce and Labor, the Department will function exactly the same as the Chamber of Commerce. It comes as the Governor signs into law ‘H.R. 026 Amendments to H.R. 009 – The Commerce Regulation Act of 2021’ which adds new entry level positions and creates a Board of Commissioners leading the Department, instead of one commissioner.
We asked the Head Commissioner, Mr. Zimmerman about why they needed the name change, he said:
“A name change for the Chamber of Commerce was very much needed. It appeared to be causing a lot of confusion for people as they were comparing us to other states’ versions of the Chamber of Commerce. In actual fact we have always been operating as the Department of Commerce if compared to other states. A lot of the responsibilities of the Department of Commerce fit what we as the Chamber of Commerce were. So yeah, it was mainly to prevent wrongful comparison and to allow for a potential Chamber of Commerce down the line.”