Political Watch July 26th

4 years agoon
Last Issue: [Political Watch – 5th July]
Since the last issue of weekly Political Watch there has been an election and its outcome, with Becks Lawson, Josh Ford and Kash Keller being elected to the Legislature. Since then multiple new pieces of legislation and a resolution have been introduced or passed. Here is your weekly rundown of politics in Political Watch.
The Legislature has introduced 5 pieces of legislation and passed a resolution.
H.R. 025 – The Public Consultation Period Act of 2021
- This bill was introduced by Representative Paxton in the 6th Session of the San Andreas Congress
- This bill amends H.R. 001 to impose a one week waiting period to allow the public and members of government time for a consultation period before a bill is voted on
All Five legislators voted in favor of this bill, it has been signed into law by the Governor.
H.R. 026 – Amendments to H.R. 009 – The Commerce Regulation Act of 2021
- This bill was introduced by Representative Jackson in the 6th Session of the San Andreas Congress
- This bill changes multiple sections of the Commerce Regulation Act including;
- Addition of two new positions, receptionist and trainee
- Addition of two new Commissioners for the Chamber of Commerce, starting the Board of Commissioners, with three commissioners presiding over the department
This bill has not been voted on or signed by the Governor into law
H.R. 027 – Amendments to H.R. 003 – Government Salary and Pay Schedule Act of 2021
- This bill was introduced by Representative Jackson in the 6th Session of the San Andreas Congress
- This bill amends H.R. 003 by changing the pay rate of multiple government servants, this includes;
- Increasing the pay rate of all Law Enforcement Ranks except paygrade 6
- Increasing the pay rate of all Medical Service Ranks
- Increasing the pay rate of all Mount Zonah staff except paygrade 6
- Increasing the pay rate of some of the Judiciary staff except paygrades 3 and 4
- Increasing the pay rate of DoJ staff except paygrade 4
- Increasing the pay rate of Public Works staff by $15
- Increasing the pay rate of all Public Defenders staff
- Increasing the pay rate of all Chamber of Commerce staff and including a new paygrade
- Increasing the pay rate of all Park Rangers staff
- Including the pay rates of the Flight Administration
- The pay rate of the Governor, is being increased from $60,000 per month to $100,000 per month
- The pay rate of State Representatives is being increased to 75,000 a month from the previous 40,000 per month
This bill has not been voted on or signed by the Governor into law

H.R. 028 – A Resolution to Establish a Committee to Create a Constitution for the State of San Andreas
- This resolution was introduced by Representative Paxton in the 6th Session of the San Andreas Congress
- The resolution calls for the creation of a committee to research and draft a constitution for the state of San Andreas.
- The committee will be filled by all members of the Legislature, the Governor, three judges from the Judiciary and four members of the Bar Association.
All Five legislators voted in favor of this resolution
H.R. 029 – The Debt Relief Act of 2021
- This bill was introduced by Representative Paxton in the 7th Session of the San Andreas Congress
- The bill aims to provide relief for those unable to pay their debts
- It establishes the process of bankruptcy and the criteria for submission, which is the following
- The total debt of the debtor is less than $1,000,000 but greater than $5,000.
- The debtor has not had a bankruptcy approved, denied, or dismissed in the last 60 days.
- The debtor has no financial-related felony convictions, as determined by the presiding judge, in the 14 days prior to the date of filing.
- Bankruptcy petitions are handed by a civil administration petition in the courts
- The bill also lays out options for Relief, they are;
- Complete or Partial relief of debt
- Asset Liquidation or
- a Payment Plan
This bill has not been voted on or signed by the Governor into law
H.R. 030 – The Electioneering Act of 2021
- This bill was introduced by Representative Paxton in the 7th Session of the San Andreas Congress
- The bill establishes election laws in the State of San Andreas
- It formally establishes the previously used Election and Registration guidelines
- The bill also establishes the limits for political donations that can be accepted during campaign period, the limits are;
- Up to $5,000 per individual
- Up to $7,500 per licensed business
- Any donation or expenditure over $500 will be noted and listed by the Secretary of State
- The bill outlines that campaigning is prohibited in the election period, including penalties which could apply if violations occur.
This bill has not been voted on or signed by the Governor into law
H.R. 031 – Code of Laws Amendments, July 2021
- This bill was introduced by Representative Paxton in the 7th Session of the San Andreas Congress
- It adds changes multiple sections inside the Criminal code and Traffic code, including;
- Changing the wording surrounding possession of firearm ammunition from a convicted felon, to someone without a valid firearms licence
- Adds the charge of unauthorised usage of a airfield
- Adds the charge of reckless endangerment
- Changes a lot of language inside the charge of Illegal parking
- Now includes prohibiting parking on state beaches
- Changes language surrounding the terminology of ‘licence’ in Operating a vehicle without a licence charge
- Changes to the threshold of criminality with Reckless Driving becoming a felony if a person exceeds 50mph with erratic or reckless operation of a motor vehicle
This bill has not been voted on or signed by the Governor into law
State Government
On Saturday the State Government announced that job applications for both Law Enforcement Departments were open. They also announced the first opening of applications for the newly established Department of Corrections
Public Works
Public works held a rare press conference announcing the release of a Bear that was being held after being ‘saved’ from an abusive circus. Billy Banter of the show “The Naked Truth” dived deep into this story, read more here [link]
The Chamber of Commerce
The chamber released two memo’s this week, the first memo is a limitation of certain business approvals the second being a statement regarding ‘Shell’ company operations.
In the first memo the Chamber announced that they will be limiting certain types of business from applying in the future, the categories limited are;
- Performance Mechanic Shops
- Wear and Tear Mechanic Shops
- Marijuana Dispensaries – [Temporary]
- Nightclubs (In Los Santos)
- New Vehicle Dealerships
- Used Car Dealerships; and
- Restaurants and Food Resale (In Los Santos)
The second memo to business owners talks about shell corporations. The chamber has stated they want to ensure that no business is operating outside of it’s defined parameters as stated on the licence, they have given businesses thirty days from the 25th of July to correct their licence/ business plan. After August 22nd, “all business licenses registered with the Chamber of Commerce should be an accurate reflection of the business that is being conducted by the business owner.”
These changes come after the first meeting of the Business Owners Alliance which asked for a change in the leadership structure and more consistency in decision making and regulation enforcement.

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