
Political Watch, August 2nd



Last Issue: [Political Watch – July 26th]

The Government has been busy this week, from a resolution to call the next regular election, to updating department names and reminding us of what jobs are available in its many wings.


The Legislature has been busy this week, with four bills passing and two being signed into law.

H.R. 026 and 027 were signed by the governor late Tuesday night officially changing the Chamber of Commerce into the Department of Commerce and Labor and amending the pay schedule of a majority of Government Employees.

Both H.R. 030 and H.R. 031 have passed the legislature and have been signed by the Governor, the Electioneering Act passed with four affirming votes and one dissenting vote. We spoke with Kash Keller to why he voted against the Electioneering Act, however we didn’t get a response in time for this articles release

H.R. 032 – The Regular Elections Act of 2021

A bill has been introduced by Speaker Paxton:

It outlines that “All non-special (regular) elections shall begin voting on the first Thursday of January, May, and September. The voting will last until the following Monday.” 

The bill has not been voted on

H.R. 033 – A Resolution to Call the Fall 2021 Regular Election

A resolution introduced by Speaker Paxton:

It calls for the Fall 2021 Regular Election to take place from the Registration period starting on August 13th to the voting period ending on September 6th.
The Resolution has not been voted on.

H.R. 034 – The Conflict of Interest Act

A bill has been introduced by Representative Lawson,

If passed this law will ‘establish clear conflict of interest rules for officer holders’

Some of the regulations include:

  • Gift/Donation restrictions
  • Multi-job policy
  • Private affairs arrangements to prevent conflict of interest
  • Preventing public officer holders from decision making where they have a specific conflict of intrest

The bill has not been voted on.

Public Works

Public works has created a listing of which vehicles they supply to the state, as of the release of this article, Public Works stocks:

  • Vapid Benson
  • Speedo Express Custom
  • Rumpo Escape
  • Brute Taco Van

Currently they don’t have any available stock, however we have been informed that stock should be arriving within the next month.

Department of Commerce and Labor

It’s been a big week for the Chamber of- Department of Commerce and Labor, with a name change and some minor amendments including the establishment of a Board of Commissioners and two new positions: Receptionist and Trainee. We spoke with Chairman Zimmerman about the name change. “A name change for the Chamber of Commerce was very much needed. It appeared to be causing a lot of confusion for people as they were comparing us to other states’ versions of the Chamber of Commerce. In actual fact we have always been operating as the Department of Commerce if compared to other states. A lot of the responsibilities of the Department of Commerce fit what we as the Chamber of Commerce were. So yeah, it was mainly to prevent wrongful comparison and to allow for a potential Chamber of Commerce down the line.”

San Andreas Flight Authority

Hidden away in a pile of files was an Official Press Release last week from the Fight Authority. We are including a summary of the release in this week’s edition. The Flight Authority is announcing that a more permanent Air Traffic Control system has been established in the state.  The Flight Authority also released an official Airport Chart for pilots to use as Los Santos International Airport. The Flight Authority also wished to convey that they are hiring for the following positions;

  • Administrative Assistants
  • Air Traffic Controllers
  • Check Pilots

Information about the hiring process can be found in the release [here] or on the Government Website [here]

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