
Judiciary Press Release: New Expedited Trial Procedure Announced



Monday, March 24th, 2025, Chief Justice Rajesh Gupta issued a press release announcing a new expedited trial procedure to help cases move through the courts faster. Either party can request one, but both sides must agree for it to proceed. Once approved, they have 48 hours to submit all evidence and witness lists before scheduling begins. The goal is to hold the trial within seven days.

To make scheduling easier, other judges can step in if the assigned judge isn’t available, and both parties should be flexible, even considering different legal counsel if needed. If no suitable time is found, the case returns to the regular trial process. Per the press release, you can read more about the new guidelines under Title 2.2.2 of the San Andreas Judiciary’s Procedures of the Court.

This is an exciting step toward more swift and efficient justice for the citizens of San Andreas.

The text of the press release is copied below, along with a PDF attached as well for ease of reading:

State of San Andreas Judiciary
Office of the Chief Justice
Rajesh Gupta
City Hall, Los Santos, San Andreas

Monday, March 24th, 2025

From:   Rajesh Gupta

Hello all,

The Judiciary has introduced a new procedure to allow smaller charges to progress through the court process quicker, the ability to motion for an expedited trial. Should the motion be accepted, the Courts will attempt to get to trial within 7 days of the motion. Either party may motion for an expedited trial, however all parties must consent to it to move forward.

All details on how and when to motion for an expedited trial and specific guidelines can be found HERE.

To clarify, bench trials right after an individual is arrested are still able to be done, this procedure is simply another option for citizens to take. We hope this press release educates the general public on this new procedure, and that it enables the justice system to be even more efficient when possible. 

Kind Regards,

Chief Justice Rajesh Gupta
Supreme Court of the State of San Andreas

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