City Spotlight

City Spotlight Vol 1 – Dive In Deep With Deep Manson



City Spotlight is a collection of interviews with the everyday people of Los Santos and the surrounding areas. Each one is a heart-to-heart with the people of the city, where they share their stories and some words of wisdom.

Diving In Deep
With Deep ‘Tunaman’ Manson

In today’s City Spotlight, I had the pleasure of meeting Deep Manson, also known as Deep ‘Tunaman’ Manson. I am sure you have seen his smiling face down at the pier, with a fishing rod in hand and ready to chat, or maybe you have noticed his ads online for ‘Deep Thoughts Therapy.’ He offers sessions at his private office, located just a stone’s throw away from his favorite fishing spot, where he spends most of his day. From first impressions, he has quite a peaceful life, but it has not always been smooth sailing for this master angler.

Deep’s favorite location and where he spends most of his time. (Photo credit: George Mallard)

Home Is Where The Sea Is!

While he showed off his fishing spot and told me more about what he does in the city, we talked about his love for the sea. That is where his heart clearly was; his face lit up, talking about the tuna, halibut, and salmon he caught. An impressive 1,500 fish were caught on this pier alone! I sensed something was off when mackerel was brought up, though, which I later found out was a “fish you can’t trust.” He told me more about his childhood and growing up as the son of a traveling fisherman. Born at sea, he explained he did not have a country of origin due to being born on the water. “I was born right out there on the ocean, no idea whereabouts,” all he knows is it was on a tugboat owned by his father. The sea life was in his blood, and he loved it. I wondered how he ended up doing therapy; it seemed like a strange career for him to choose. But he chose correctly! The time I spent with Deep inspired me, and I left feeling better than when I arrived! And I had just eaten a leftover donut I forgot about in my car, so my day was already going pretty well! The man is filled with stories and has a down-to-earth nature that makes you feel like you can open up very easily.

Deep sharing his favorite fishing spot. (Photo credit: George Mallard)

Oh, My Mackerel!

The majority of the stories he told involved a childhood friend called Taffy. They seem quite the pair! They are business partners, lifelong friends, a musical duo, and war heroes! He told me of the lesser-known war at sea they battled together. Mackerel. Swarms and swarms of Mackerel. Many deaths were had, mainly of mackerel, but the emotions were very much still there. His body stiffened as he told me about his lack of sleep and the dreams of those stormy nights at sea, facing an ungodly number of mackerel. Not only had he faced literal battles but also battles of the heart; currently a single bachelor of Los Santos, he was once married to a human woman, not a fish, as I was told multiple times (nothing fishy to see here). It ended in heartbreak when she left him for a police officer. Thankfully, he had Taffy there to help him pick up the pieces!

Photo of a mackerel for reference. *Not actual fish from the mackerel war. (Photo credit: Stock image)

Fish Out Of Water…

Although some may know the pair as heroes, some know of rumors that they are criminals. The evidence? A song they wrote a few years back, titled “I Killed Reggie”- by Deep & Taffy. Sure, maybe it was not the best move they had. When I asked him about it, I was told it was art, but it made me wonder because he also mentioned Reggie was his good friend. He is also a bit of an author; he wrote a book about his life. “Sea of Love”… which unfortunately got pulled from production due to containing information about a crime ‘allegedly.’ We quickly got distracted by conversations about his love for fish. I guess the truth of this mystery will remain just that, a mystery.

Song Cover Art for “I Killed Reggie” (Photo credit: YouTube, Deep and Taffy – I Killed Reggie)

Turning Over A New’ Reef’

We talked about life after that, and he told me about his current obsession with Sally’s Surf Shop and how highly he thinks of Sally Nailburry herself. I have yet to have the pleasure of meeting her, but after looking at the amazing things she sells, most of which Deep was currently wearing, I made a note that I should definitely make a trip there and try this Boba he kept raving about! He then told me the sweet story of how he found his second passion, his first being fishing and the sea, therapy, and helping people! “I’ve always loved talking to people, ya’know, helping people, it’s always been a part of me.” His natural instinct of wanting to help people in need started him on this journey. He came across a person who was sad and simply offered a shoulder to cry on and some good ol’ Tunaman advice. And well, now he offers therapy sessions from his private office in the car park of the pier or over by the water, where he can also teach you tips and tricks for fishing. Nothing is more relaxing than sitting by the ocean and talking to a friend. And by the end of our interview, that’s exactly what I’d call him—a friend.

Deep Manson and Ella Woods, outside his office. (Photo credit: George Mallard)

Words of Wisdom

“There’s plenty of fish in the sea, you just gotta find which fish you want, catch that fish, and once you catch that fish you never let that fish go, ’cause that fish is your home”

Deep ‘Tunaman’ Manson


  1. Maxine Finch

    August 26, 2023 at 1:47 pm

    The artwork is so pretty Ella! Amazing work!

  2. Pingback: Stella’s Scoops Volume 33 – Weazel News – New Day RP

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