If you have not voted yet, because you’re confused, don’t care, or (somehow) didn’t know it was happening, you should probably read this. Spring election season is here, and with it, a new batch of governor and lieutenant governor candidates! To help you wade through the sponsored advertisements, campaign posters, and general propaganda, here is a brief overview of each of the candidates, their positions, experience, and one sentence each of them would like you to know.
Governors are the heads of the executive branch, responsible for its operation. As part of this, governors advance and pursue new and revised policies using executive orders, budgets, and legislature. The role of the lieutenant governor is akin to a backup, as they will take over the governorship if vacated by impeachment, death, or resignation. The governor and lieutenant should complement each other’s skill sets by working together.
As defined by the State,
GOVERNOR is responsible for overseeing the entire Government Structure, including but not limited to; Keeping communication between the State Departments (Law Enforcement / Judiciary / State Legislator / Attorney General / Surgeon General) healthy, productive, and positive; hosting State Sponsored Events; Holding meetings that are relevant to the Office, establishing a budget to be approved by the State Representatives, Signing Bills passed by the Legislature into Law; Appointing Government Officials to position with the endorsement of the State Legislature; keeping and enforcing the law, order, and maintaining tranquility among all citizens and bringing outlaws and criminals to Justice on behalf of the victims.
Disclaimer: Candidates are sorted alphabetically by surname to avoid any implication of bias.
Michael Andino
Role: Governor Political Party: Independent (Chelonian)
Michael Andino
Police the Police – I will bar officers from prosecuting their own cases, create a commission on community policing, and open the door into greater transparency regarding their activities.
Trademark Protections – I will create copyright protections that will protect ideas the moment they’re conceived and aim for the creation of a trademark office to catalog patented works.
Simplify DoCL – I think the way forward is to slim down DoCL, universalize the rules and standards, open up transparency through greater public outreach (more press releases!), and get DoCL better at communicating with private companies.
Tuition Refunds – If you study at the University of Los Santos or any other school in San Andreas that gets public money, I think you should get a FULL tuition refund if you can prove you’re making a productive life with your degree or certification.
Decriminalize Soft Drugs – I want to make shrooms and weed a licensed enterprise and get the dealers out there to be first in line to receive those licenses so we can bring greater prosperity to some of the poorer neighborhoods in Los Santos!
Private Medical Practices – I believe we need more general medical practices that deal with ordinary problems and general checkups to take the strain off Pillbox Hill, which is constantly receiving a flood of life-threatening injuries.
Experience: I’m not a career politician. I’m just a simple guy that makes movies to entertain the masses. Take that for what you will.
For the Voters: Eddie wants everyone to know RyRy caused Independence Day!
Eddie Euckland
Role: Lieutenant Governor Political Party: Independent (IDK something about turtles)
Eddie Euckland
Pillbox-trained private practitioners.
Tuition refund for productive graduates.
Fund DHS.
Simplify DoCL.
Better police transparency.
Trademark laws.
Decriminalize soft drugs.
Experience: None, but I’ve done and moderated 2 debates 😀
For the Voters: Vote RyRy.
Ryyan Avery
Role: Governor Political Party: Libertarian
Ryyan Avery
To exterminate the homeless population by giving them housing.
I want to make a holiday for all life, extraterrestrial or interplanetary.
I’m against drunk driving.
I’m here for the citizens, talking to the citizens on the street daily so they can interact with the government.
Experience: I have three terms of State Rep experience, and I have always been for the people and just having a fun time whilst in office. That’s more than half of the government officials who have run or are running right now.
For the Voters: I have a nine-inch tongue.
Damien Key
Role: Lieutenant Governor Political Party: Libertarian
Damien Key
Better Communication and Understanding – Providing as much information as possible to the public while also trying to make it more comprehensible and digestible.
Doing our part to better understand the problems that we face when it comes to the hostility or frustration that people feel.
Speaking to citizens and trying to come to as best a compromise we can instead of just us making an assumption of a correct solution and presenting that as what everyone should get behind.
Experience: I’ve been a State Rep Assistant, and I’m a State Representative this term. As a State Rep Assistant, I worked closely with Audrey Storm to put bills together and got a small view into the roles and responsibilities of a government official. As a State Representative, I gained a clearer idea of what it meant to work for the people and got a feel for the pulse of what people felt needed to be changed. Additionally, as a State Representative, I was able to work with the current Lt Governor and gain an understanding of the role.
For the Voters: I aim to do the best I can as the Lt. Governor, and I genuinely appreciate any and all voters who believe in Ry Ry and myself to do our part to make the state better for those who live in it.
Adrian Jax
Role: Governor Political Party: Independent
Adrian Jax
We want to work WITH community heads, department heads, legislation, and anyone willing to speak with us to address major points throughout the State.
Our budgets and community actions need to be public, and I will be looking into making that happen.
Our door will always be open.
I will make reaching us easier, be it through announcing via Twitter who we are and how to reach us, to reaching out to business owners and community heads to make sure our names and numbers are available.
Working to bring Psych, SASS, and DHS together to help with rehabilitation in our Prison System.
Speaking of Psych, the bill addressing Psych Holds needs to be reviewed.
Town Halls need to be more publicly accessible and digestible.
We want to continue addressing the inconsistencies in the criminal code.
And finally, addressing Bills that just don’t work.
Experience: I am coming off of two terms as the Lieutenant Governor. During these terms, I was once acting Governor. I have also worked diligently with Department Heads, the public, and other branches of Government to address rising issues within the State. Before my terms as Lieutenant Governor, I worked for the Department of Justice for six months and paved the way for Pre-Trial Diversions.
For the Voters: San Andreas should be a place where everyone wants to Live, Work, and Play – let’s make that a reality.
Tobias Tarts
Role: Lieutenant Governor Political Party: Independent
Tobias Tarts
Adrian and I clearly state that we want to avoid making specific promises.
We are going to focus on working with community leaders, heads of departments, and the legislature to address some major issues.
Working on inconsistencies and issues within the Criminal Code.
Returning SASS back to good standing and encouraging SASS to collaborate with reforming and rehabilitating inmates within the prison system.
All state budgets are publicly available and transparent.
An open-door policy to the executive.
Better transparency of when and how to engage in Town Halls.
Find ways to curb the violence in the streets.
To bring together people once per month for an open market.
Experience: In my previous state, I served several years as a law enforcement officer and homicide detective. After moving to San Andreas, I worked in the Department of Justice, including taking cases to trial. Adrian and I put into place the framework for using community service for otherwise minor or petty crimes. I have tried several cases and only ever lost one. I sit on the Criminal Code Review Committee, have authored two bills, and proofread/edited several others. I am familiar with the ins and outs of the branches of government and ready to serve.
For the Voters: I am passionate about serving the state and will be there when I am asked and needed by you.
Dan Lighten
Role: Governor Political Party: Independent
Dan Lighten
Bail Reform, providing more freedom and an easier process for all involved.
Parole Reform, with a formation of a Parole Board and Parole Officers.
Full Abolishment of the Death Penalty
Introduce Community Service as a lawful option for sentencing, with incentives for businesses who take on those on community service.
Supporting further education for students with internships.
Clarity on government operations, including frequent budgets, more frequent town halls, and press conferences, as well as regular visits to businesses around the State.
Experience: I have worked in the Department of Justice for a combined year, and then I sat on the Supreme Court and Circuit Court for close to one year. I have achieved a Bachelors, Masters, and PhD in Law and used these to benefit the people of San Andreas by bringing justice to it. I have worked with the legislature both as a judge and a prosecutor to ensure the right bills are pushed through and worded to best benefit the people of San Andreas.
For the Voters: Vote for Lighten for real change that helps YOU.
Anthony Lankowski
Role: Lieutenant Governor Political Party: Independent
Anthony Lankowski
Bail Reform, providing more freedom and an easier process for all involved.
Parole Reform, with a formation of a Parole Board and Parole Officers.
Full Abolishment of the Death Penalty.
Introduce Community Service as a lawful option for sentencing, with incentives for businesses who take on those on community service.
Supporting further education for students with internships.
Clarity on government operations, including frequent budgets, more frequent town halls and press conferences, as well as regular visits to businesses around the State.
Experience: Nine months as a State Prosecutor with the Department of Justice, three of which as the Director of Internal Affairs, where I have assisted with the reformation of the Department and produced new procedures for the department, and have helped keep its employees accountable. Graduate of Criminal Law with Criminology, a course I took to better understand the psychology behind crime, victimology, and reasoning behind certain areas of the criminal justice system.
For the Voters: Vote Lighten for real change that helps YOU.
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