If you missed the Spring 2023 Election Debates, our friends at LS Diatribes gave a great summary of one candidate. Billy Banter’s whole thing seems to revolve around the Department of Commerce and Labor (DoCL) due to a personal issue from pre-Mutiny times. He also complained about DoCL not hiring new people to work there even though DoCL had their applications open for over a month and just recently closed them so they could begin reviewing the candidates for interviews.
Lucas Lloyd’s Tweet.
Use It or Lose It…
Even if you don’t like to jog or do sports, please exercise. Please exercise your right to vote. Voting starts on Thursday, May 4th, at 8PM ET, and closes on Monday, May 8th, at 8PM ET. The election results party will be almost immediately after the voting period ends, so don’t procrastinate and make your way to the City Hall to submit your ballot. Use your vote or lose it.
Winner Takes the Crown…
San Andreas had its first Miss San Andreas Pageant on Friday night at Sisyphus Theater. It started with fourteen contestants representing different parts of the state. Each round had eliminations that narrowed the possible crowned Miss San Andreas to the last five contestants. My friend, Annie, applied as a joke and got accepted. Unfortunately, she got booted in the first round because she walked up to the judges and flipped them off during her introductions. Go, Annie!
List of the contestants and the areas they represent.
I heard the talent portion was really interesting, from contestants singing to someone fighting and someone else performing a meditation with Tibetan singing bowls. In the very end, Martha Sullivan took home the 2023 Miss San Andreas title. She also took home a sash and a one-of-a-kind custom engraved crown by Remington.
Martha Sullivan posing on the red carpet. (Photo Credit: Sally Nailburry)
Name Your Toys…
You can now label your ducks, ferns, and whatever else you have. So if your fern is named Ferneas, you can go to the label station and change the label to say “Ferneas.” If your frog is named Lil F, you can change the label to “Lil F.” Just stop by PW and bring your toys to the label station at the table outside the office and get labeling.
Label Station at Public Works HQ. (Photo Credit: Niko McReary)
Legion Pop-Up…
There are so many pop-up things these days. My friend, Annie, was able to catch a pop-up show at Legion Square early Saturday after being invited by not one but two of the artists. Artists included Zavvi Zavala, PAX, DANTE, and Mill$, and the turnout was good.
The crowd dancing as Zavvi and DANTE performs. (Photo Credit: Annie Coady)
April’s Town Hall…
I’m not sure what Ryry was wearing at the Town Hall yesterday. Attendance was very low for the last town hall of the current congress, probably because there was a raid and rave happening at the same time. Piper Riggs brought her audio rig to Town Hall, so thank you, Piper, for getting the audio recorded for Weazel. Chicken was mentioned. I have no idea what happened at Town Hall last night, but please find out for yourself.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too…
Caked Up brought their food truck to Shadowcade during a PD raid. Multiple people tweeted about watching it go down from across the street. People were in the lot across the street, and some even watched from a rooftop.
Piper Riggs’ Tweet.
After the raid, Shadowcade had their “Post-Raid Sale,” which was also a great strategy to get business flowing. Overall, I rate this show an 8 out of 10. While the location was conveniently located near downtown, the food was not included in the admission fee, and the audience had to find their own seats for the show. Most souvenirs were not on theme with the show, but they were still cool. Our friends at LS Diatribes wrote a great piece about this raid with more details than mine, so give it a read.
Hudson Welsh’s Tweet.
Let’s Get Ravey…
There was a rave called Electric Oasis last night at Sisyphus Theater with all the lights you could imagine in one place. The stage looked really cool, and there was an electric forest. DJ SIRI, FOXI3, Vapors, Benji, Loomis, and Lucas White all jammed out on stage for the audience. So many people dressed for the occasion, and some even brought glowsticks.
People dancing to the music at Electric Oasis. (Photo Credit: Dante Gravina-Reed)
Big mama, Big bag, Big t-…
That’s the start of Miranda Shingles’ song called Big Mama. This reminded me of that song. Have you ever seen 94 pistol suppressors in one place? Well, you’re about to. Back in March, the Troopers raided William Hudson’s apartment and found more illegal items than I could imagine. The case ended up being dismissed, but wowie!
State Troopers with their post-raid display. (Photo Credit: Trooper Ignazio DiNozzo)
Upcoming Events:
May 1st @ 10PM ET: Jon Chambers Meet and Greet/Campaign Party
May 2nd @ 9PM – 11PM ET: Life’s A Beach with Adrian and Tobias
May 3rd @ 9PM – 10PM ET: Addict Support Group
May 4th @ 8PM ET: San Andreas State Election – Spring Election | Voting Begins
May 4th @ 9PM ET: Funeral of Lional McKenzie
May 4th @ 10PM ET: Opening Ceremony and Jetski Races (Paleto Games)
May 5th @ 2PM – 2AM ET: Raveaissance Presented by The Hub
May 5th @ 4PM ET: Paleto Bay Car Show (Paleto Games)
May 5th @ 6:30PM ET: Fishing Tourney (Paleto Games)
May 5th @ 9PM ET: Raven Repair Bike Show (Paleto Games)
May 5th @ 9PM ET: SAMS Doctor Interest Class
May 6th @ 11AM ET: SAMS Nursing Academy
May 6th @ 5PM ET: Food Truck Festival (Paleto Games)
May 6th @ 9PM ET: Motordome (Paleto Games)
May 7th @ 9PM ET: SAMS Nursing Academy
May 8th @ 9PM ET: San Andreas Election Commission Presents: The Election Results Party
May 8th @ 10PM ET: Metal Monday Blood Drive
Stella’s Recommendation of the Week…
The artist started as a random person that got pulled to do security for KOKORO one day. And now, he has songs performed at shows and played on the Los Santos Underground Radio. It’s wild how much your life can change in a matter of months, even days. Dante Gravina-Reed, known mainly by just his first name, DANTE, is an artist and manager at KOKORO. You might recognize his voice in Tomiko’s song, Mayonnaise, which isn’t the only song they have worked on. With confidence, Dante says Tomiko is “a dream to work with,” which I absolutely do not doubt. Just so you all know, Dante does like mayonnaise on his sandwiches, burgers, and whatnot.
Dante’s latest single, Get Freaky Wit It, was only released earlier this week, but he actually wrote it after Wavey back in December. It’s a fun club song about “wildin’ out in the club” and really just dancing with whoever you’re with at the club. “I’m about to show you how we get it in the underworld” is a good line from the song that tells you what it’s about: just being really into dancing with someone. “Get it,” as the song says.
I learned what a “single” is compared to an “EP” during this interview with Dante. Apparently, a “single” can be more than one song as long as it’s under ten minutes. With that said, Dante’s single, Through It, is comprised of two songs, I Miss U and Reminiscing. Most people will think I Miss U is about a girl, but it’s actually about his mom, who passed away in November. The song starts with the sounds of a heavy rainstorm because people typically think of sadness when they hear the rain. It’s pretty fitting. Reminiscing, featuring Ishii🦋, was inspired by a breakup from last year. It’s about being there for someone you truly care about and then having them throw it all away as if it was nothing. What the heck, Dante? This “single” is so depressing, which means you spent two to three weeks working on it in that mindset. I hope your upcoming songs are less sad.
Dante is working on songs with eight different artists, including Zavvi, Mayumi, Lil B, Jason Tanners, and more. He’s also keeping a secret about who one of the artists he’s currently collaborating with is. I can’t wait to find out who it is once the song gets released because it’s going to be awesome, especially when it’s someone he says he is grateful to finally work with. Not listed, Dante hopes he can work with the special guests at KOKORO because “they are so talented. I want to work with all of them,” he said.
Stella Day posing with Danta Gravina-Reed. (Photo Credit: Stella Day)
We’re going to keep our ears out for Dante’s upcoming song YUH with PAX. He also has a couple of other songs coming soon, including one with Certified Lover Boys. He’s working on so many songs right now that he even knows he needs to pace himself while also contemplating “singing” songs for his future EP. If you aren’t catching him at private events, you can find his music on Soundcloud, and as always, on the Los Santos Underground Radio. And definitely check out the banger song War with Piper Riggs whenever it becomes available on Soundcloud.
Have a Stella Day and a hardcore night, San Andreas!