
Political Watch, 11th of October



Welcome to Political Watch for the 11th of October 2021, the government has been up to a small count of things this week, the Legislature held it’s 4th session and representatives were seen in a number of places doing things like community work/engagement or simply just visiting.

Legislation Watch

H.R. 044 – The Protection Under Urgent Threat Act was introduced by Becks Lawson this week

  • This bill creates a system where a law enforcement ‘official’ is able to enact a temporary emergency restraining order to protect a vulnerable victim. 
  • These temporary emergency restraining orders last for two weeks and don’t require a court case to enact these orders. A law enforcement ‘official’ and a Judge are able to enact these, it’s not clear if they are both needed jointly to enact a restraining order or if both are needed. 
  • One of two factors are established as a requirement to have an emergency restraining order applied:
  1. There is a relevant past criminal history on the alleged attacker
  2. The victim can produce a credible threat on the part of the alleged attacker
  • This bill has not been voted on.

Bills 040-044 have not been voted on, Bill 034 also hasn’t been voted on.

The Results are in from the first public Weazel News PolitiPoll
A private PolitiPoll about Governor Approval was conducted on the 24/25th of September.

Main Questions

First Question: If an election was held TODAY, would you Re-Elect Governor James Paxton?

On the 24/25 Survey:

56.3% of respondents said “Yes”

24.3% of respondents said “No”

19.4% of respondents said “Undecided.

On the 7/8th Survey:

60.9% of respondents said “Yes”

21.7% of respondents said “No”

17.4% of respondents said “Undecided.”

Second Question: Are you Happy with how the Government is Running?

On the 7/8th Survey:

69.6% of respondents said “Yes.” Broken down into 17.4% “Strong Yes” and 52.2% “Yes”

30.4% of respondents said “No.” Broken down into 21.7% “No” and 8.7% “Strong No”

Secondary Policy Questions

Third Question: Should the Government Establish a Secret Service?

 On the 7/8th Survey:

65.2% of respondents said “Yes”

26.1% of respondents said “No.”

8.7% of respondents wrote in another option

Fourth Question: Should the Government do more to protect Citizens from Kidnapping/Hostage Taking?

On the 7/8th Survey:

52.2% of respondents said “No”

47.8% of respondents said “Yes”

Fifth Question: Should our politicians create Political Parties?

On the 7/8th Survey:

73.9% of respondents said “Yes”

26.1% of respondents said “No”

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