This Week in Political News –
Three new bills were introduced and then passed in the San Andreas Legislature during its Second Session:
H.R. 005 – The Asset Seizure and Forfeiture Law of 2021,
- This Bill establishes a legal avenue for asset seizure in the state
- It also creates guidelines for judgement reversals and that ‘reasonable efforts’ should be made for asset returns
- This bill was introduced by James Paxton
All Three Representatives voted in favor for this bill
H.R. 006 – The Freedom of Information Act of 2021,
- This bill establishes a FOI system specific to the State of San Andreas. It allows anyone to request documents from the San Andreas Department of Justice, the Police or Sheriffs Departments, the Medical Services or Public Works.
- Outlines that FOI requests must have a result within Seven days unless valid cause for denial.
- Stipulates the process (if denied) of appeal for a decisions request, handled by a Judge
- This bill was introduced by James Paxton
All Three Representatives voted in favor for this bill
H.R. 007 – The Open Carry Act of 2021
- This bill allows the carry of weapons/firearms in public places, in the State of San Andreas
- The bill defines Open Carry and Brandishing. It also adds the charge of brandishing to the Criminal Code.
- This bill was introduced by James Paxton
Representatives Endeavor and Paxton voted in favor for this bill, Representative Lee Abstained